Important components of maintaining sterility
- Creating a microorganism free environment
- Use of sterilized instruments and dressing
- Maintaining sterility of field by preventing contact of
unsterile objects to sterile objects. Examples of unsterile objests
are patients body, body fluids, and unsterile equipments.
- Antisepsis of point of entry
- Antisepsis of hands of task performer.
Methods to prevent microbial transmission.
- Hand hygeine
- Aseptic technique
- Proper use of PPE
- Environmental infection control measures.
- Eduction of nurses regarding recent advancements in prevention
of microbial transmission.
- Participate in research - which helps nurses to increase
knowldge and impart findings to practice
Priciples of Donning Gloves
- Finding the correct size of gloves
- Assesing which type of gloves needed - sterile or
- Perform hand hygeime before donning gloves
- Gloves should act as a barrier between body and objects in
- Use asptic technique for donning
- Aware of Allegy for powder in gloves.
- Aware of doffing procedure and where to discard used