
In: Economics

much more frequently than this (that is OK and encouraged). After posting, make sure to return...

much more frequently than this (that is OK and encouraged). After posting, make sure to return several more times to the discussion to read more new posts and respond where appropriate.

Post # 1: Write a short, well-written paragraph (maximum 5-8 sentences) that responds to this question:

Please consult the chapter on International Trade in your textbook to review and learn about the comparative advantage, specialization based on comparative advantage, benefits of trade, trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas, economic effects of trade barriers on the tariff-imposing home country such as on home prices, home consumers, home producers, government revenue collection, deadweight loss, among others. These trade barriers would benefit some groups and hurt some groups.

As you probably are aware that the U.S. has recently initiated a trade-war with China, the other major economy in the world by raising tariffs on many imports coming from China. China has retaliated against the U.S. by raising some tariffs against U.S. goods going to China. Simultaneously, there are high-level negotiations between the U.S. and China to resolve the accusations and concerns raised by the U.S. against China such as unfair trade practices, currency manipulation to gain unfair trade advantages, and forced transfer or theft of intellectual properties from U.S. Companies, among others. The talks are not progressing as expected or desired. Given this situation and considering the U.S. perspective, do you agree or disagree with these U.S. accusations against China? If so, why? If not, why not? Further, what will be possible impact of the tariffs imposed by the U.S. the U.S. economy, on domestic prices, domestic consumers, domestic producers, government tax revenue collection, which of the above groups will benefit, and which group(s) will be hurt? Focusing on any one or two of the above questions or focusing on one or two groups, explain who would be the gainers or losers and how? Compose a well-written paragraph to explain your answer with logic and examples as appropriate. Then post this paragraph in a thread under Discussion#2 in the BB Discussion Board area.

Post # 2 (or more): Read all of the responses posted by your classmates and choose the one (or more) you would like to respond to. When responding to peers, you are expected to do the following: ask a question that prompts deep thinking, play devil's advocate, refer to course videos/required readings to support points, or share ideas/resources to extend the thinking of peers. It is not sufficient to say, “That’s a great idea!” or "I agree." Your posts must be substantive add something new to the discussion.


Expert Solution

I agree with the U.S accusations as China has already restricted some or more world groups from entering its country. The increase in tariffs will supports local and domestic businesses inside U.S to grow up more as when the prices of the goods that come from China will be high people will choose the domestic products . Domestic consumers , producers will benefit much more from this situation if they try to grow up in current situation. China always had a mindset of destroying other economies to grow its own economy and the trade practices of China has always been unfair . China had always voilated the WTO rules . China has always pursued unfair trade practices and industrial policies include discriminatory non-tariff barriors ,forced technology transfer and other things that help chinese firms to grow more and makes it impossible for many United states firms to survive. It is not unfair if U.S makes some policies to restrict Chinese business as it will inturn help U.S business to grow globally and survive, it will be unfair only if it was onesided but China has done the same things.

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