
In: Computer Science

In the class MyArray, write a method named indexAndCountOfMax that on an input array of numbers,...

In the class MyArray, write a method named indexAndCountOfMax that on an input array of numbers, finds and returns (1) the smallest index of the largest element of the array and (2) the number of times the largest element occurs in the array. The header of the method should be public static int[ ] indexAndCountOfMax (double[ ] A). The method should return an array of length 2, where the value at index 0 is the smallest index of the largest element of ?, and the value at index 1 is the number of times the largest element occurs in ?. For example, if ? = [1, 4, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3], then indexAndCountOfMax (A) should return [1, 3] because the largest element of ? is 4, the smallest index where it occurs is 1, and it occurs 3 times in the array (at indices 1, 4 and 5).


Expert Solution

public class MyArray{

   public static int[ ] indexAndCountOfMax (double[ ] A)
       int[] result = new int[2];
       result[0] = 0; //let 1st element be largest
       result[1] = 1; //it occurs once
       for(int i = 1; i < A.length; i++){
           if(A[i] == A[result[0]]) //largest appearing again
               result[1]++; //increment count
           else if(A[i] > A[result[0]]) //new largest
               //update index and count
               result[0] = i;
               result[1] = 1;
       return result;

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