
In: Statistics and Probability

Flight 1 -2 -1 -2 2 -2 0 -2 -3 Flight 19 19 -4 -5 -1...

Flight 1 -2 -1 -2 2 -2 0 -2 -3
Flight 19 19 -4 -5 -1 -4 73 0 1
Flight 21 18 60 142 -1 -11 -1 47 13

Listed below are departure delay times (minutes) for american Airline flights from New York to Los Angeles. Negative values correspond to flights that departed early.

Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim that the different flights have the same mean departure delay time.What is the critical value (F-value)? [Round to 4 decimal places]


Expert Solution

treatment Flight 1 Flight 19 Flight 21
count, ni = 8 8 8
mean , x̅ i = -1.250 9.88 33.38
std. dev., si = 1.6 26.6 50.3
sample variances, si^2 = 2.500 709.839 2525.411
total sum -10 79 267 336 (grand sum)
grand mean , x̅̅ = Σni*x̅i/Σni =   14.00
( x̅ - x̅̅ )² 232.563 17.016 375.391
SS(between)= SSB = Σn( x̅ - x̅̅)² = 1860.500 136.125 3003.125 4999.75
SS(within ) = SSW = Σ(n-1)s² = 17.500 4968.875 17677.875 22664.2500

no. of treatment , k =   3  
df between = k-1 =    2  
N = Σn =   24  
df within = N-k =   21  
mean square between groups , MSB = SSB/k-1 =    4999.75/2=   2499.8750
mean square within groups , MSW = SSW/N-k =    22664.25/21=   1079.2500
F-stat = MSB/MSW =    2499.875/1079.25=   2.32

SS df MS F p-value F-critical
Between: 4999.75 2 2499.88 2.316 0.1233 3.467
Within: 22664.25 21 1079.25
Total: 27664.00 23
α = 0.05

critical F value= 3.4668

there is insufficient evidence to reject the  claim that the different flights have the same mean departure delay time.

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