2. Under what conditions may nominal GDP be increasing while
real GDP is falling at the...
2. Under what conditions may nominal GDP be increasing while
real GDP is falling at the same time?
Expert Solution
We know that nominal GDP is the gross domestic product that is
evaluated at current market prices and hence it will be affected by
the price changes that has occurred in the market economy due to an
increase or decrease in inflation or deflation.
While the real GDP refers to the value of all goods and
services produced within an economy which is already adjusted for
the changes in inflation and deflation.
Nominal GDP will be increasing while real GDP is falling when
the there is higher inflation in the economy, but for a shorter
period of time.
During inflation, the price's of all goods and services
increase, which will in turn increase the nominal GDP as it is
affected by the rise in prices and it is not already adjusted for
inflation and deflation, but as real GDP is already adjusted for
inflation and deflation it does not undergo any change again during
a period of inflation.
Real GDP will then start to decrease due to negative ecomomic
growth When the nominal GDP is growing due to high inflation.
But this occurs only for a shorter period of time, eventually
the real GDP will start to increase as Higher inflation leads to a
positive growth in the economy.
What is the difference between Nominal GDP and Real GDP? How can
the ratio of Nominal to Real GDP indicate how much inflation an
economy has been experiencing?
In 2018, the US nominal GDP was estimated to be $20.5 trillion
dollars while the real GDP was estimated to be $18.64 trillion. Why
is there a difference? Additionally, explain if GDP is a perfect
measure of well-being.
What is GDP?
What is the difference between the nominal GDP and real
Explain why comparing the GDP’s of various nations might
not tell you which nation’s people are better off.
(1) (5 pts) What are the differences between nominal GDP and
real GDP? (2) (5 pts) Suppose the real GDP in 2016 is 1 trillion
dollar and the real GDP in 2017 is 1.2 trillion dollar, what is the
growth rate of the real GDP from 2016 to 2017? (3) (5 pts) Suppose
the nominal GDP growth rate is 15% from 2016 to 2017, what is the
inflation rate measured by the GDP deflator,(i.e. inflation
What’s the difference between real and nominal GDP?
2. What are the four elements of GDP? Which is the most
3. What is the formula for the expenditures method and does it
involve all income earned from sources in a country, or all
expenses incurred from sources in a country?