In: Accounting
The following misstatements are included in the accounting records of a manufacturing company. | |
For each misstatement classify each misstatement as either a fraud or an error; give one or more controls | |
to prevent each error/fraud from occurring, and identify the audit evidence to uncover each error/fraud. |
Misstatements | Classify as fraud or error |
Give one or more controls to prevent each error/fraud from occurring |
Identify the audit evidence to uncover each error/fraud |
A sales invoice was incorrectly recorded by $1000 |
Cash paid on accounts receivable was stolen by the mail clerk when the mail was opened |
Cash paid on accounts receivable that had been pre-listed by a secretary was stolen by the book-keeper who records cash receipts and accounts receivable. He failed to record the transactions. |
A shipment to a customer was not billed because of the loss of the bill of lading |
A sale to a residential customer was unintentionally classified as a commercial sale |
Misstatements | Classify as fraud or error | Give one or more controls to prevent each error/fraud from occurring | Identify the audit evidence to uncover each error/fraud |
A sales invoice was incorrectly | Error | Sales invoice entry should be approved by a separate person | Checking sales day book and sales invoices |
recorded by $1000 | |||
Cash paid on accounts receivable | Fraud | Inform customers that cash should be deposited with the cash receiving employee and a cash receipt should be obtained. | Customer confirmation |
was stolen by the mail clerk when | |||
the mail was opened | |||
Cash paid on accounts receivable | Fraud | The cash receiver and book keeper should be separate person.Supervisor to match cash receipts and book keeping entry | Checking of cash receipt of cashier and book entry |
that had been pre-listed by a secretary was stolen by the book-keeper who records cash receipts and accounts receivable. He failed to record the transactions. | |||
A shipment to a customer was not | Error | Billings should be reconciled with shipping | Checking shipment with billing |
billed because of the loss of the | |||
bill of lading | |||
A sale to a residential customer | Error | Sales entries to be approved by supervisor | |
was unintentionally classified as | |||
a commercial sale |