
In: Operations Management

In chapter 6 MKTG10 we have examined how the level ofinvolvement in a purchase often...

In chapter 6 MKTG10 we have examined how the level of involvement in a purchase often determines the type of behavior exhibited by consumers. In this exercise you are asked to examine how consumer behavior changes as the level of consumer involvement changes. You will be given a series of scenarios. After each one, write how you would respond to the purchase situation. At work you are informed there is a “Secret Buddy” gift buying program for the holiday party. Each person’s name is entered into a hat and each person will draw one name. You choose the name of a person who works in another department that you do not know. What type of gift do you purchase? How much do you spend? How much time do you take choosing this gift? In the mail you receive an invitation to a favorite cousin’s surprise birthday party. You will not be able to attend, so you decide to send a gift. What type of gift would you send? How much do you spend? How much time do you take choosing this gift? You are recently engaged and have received an invitation to your future spouse’s mother’s birthday party. This will be the first family party you attended. What type of gift do you bring? How much do you spend? How much time did you take choosing this gift?


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Refer to "The Learn-Feel-Do Hierarchy Matrix", which has got four quadrants having axes as Involvement and Thinking /Feeling as depicted in the below image.

Scenario I: “Secret Buddy” gift buying program for the holiday party

It would fall under quadrant Low involvement/Low thinking. As per this, I would buy gifts (low involvement) that are inexpensive or moderately priced. They are less in value and risk. As these low-involvement products are frequently purchased, so the time spent will be minimal

Scenario II: Favorite cousin’s surprise birthday party

It would fall under the quadrant Low involvement/High feeling. As per this, I would buy gifts (low involvement) that are moderately priced. as they promote self-satisfaction. They are medium in value and risk. As these low-involvement products are frequently purchased, so the time spent will be minimal

Scenario III: future spouse’s mother’s birthday party

It would fall under quadrant High involvement/High feeling. As per this, I would buy gifts (High involvement) that are expensive as they are related to one's self-esteem. They are high in value. As these high-involvement products are like apparel and jewelry, it involves an ample amount of time.

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