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Legal Responsibilities: Teaching About Advance Directives (RM Fund 10.0 Chp 4 Legal Responsibilities,Active Learning Template: Basic...

Legal Responsibilities: Teaching About Advance Directives (RM Fund 10.0 Chp 4 Legal Responsibilities,Active Learning Template: Basic Concept)

related content e.g delagation, levels of prevention,advance directives- underlying principles- nursing interventions ex who, when,why,how


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Advance directives:-

It is a document that tells your health care provider and family members about what kind of medical care you would want or you would not want

It can take if you become terminally ill and you can not speak for yourself

It become effective only if you can't express your wishes

You may end or take back a living will at anytime that depends upon you.

Example: coma stage,cancer,full body paralysis etc

Types of advanced directive

-the living will

It can tell certain future health care decisions only when a person becomes unable to make the decision.

It can only use in case of client has terminal illness or they have permenant unconsciousness

-before using the living will to guide medical decisions,at least 2physician must confirm that the client is unable to make his/her own medical decision and currently the client is in a medical condition that is specified by the state low .

What are things need to think when writing a living will

-if you want the use of equipments to help Keep you alive. Example ventilator, dialysis mechine

-DNR order

-if you want fluids or liquids such as IV fluids, or food or tube feeding into the stomach if you couldn't eat and drink

-if you want management of pain, nausea or other types of symptoms

-If you want to donate your organs or body after their death

Durable power of attorney for health care(medical power attorney)

It is legal document in which you mention the name of a person to be a proxy (agent)and give permission to make all your health care decisions if you become unable to do so.

Before doing this , physician must certify that the person can not able to make their own medical decisions.

How to select proxy

-a proxy should be someone who knows you well and someone you trust them to carryout and make your decision s and wishes

-proxy should have good understanding how you would make decisions if you were unable

-a proxy should be comfortable asking questions and advocating to your health Care team members on behalf of you.

-Bes sure to discuss your wishes in detail with your proxy


You need to choose to name a back up person in case your first choice (first. Proxy) becomes unable to act on behalf of you

Physician orders for life sustaining treatment(POLST)

It is a form contain set of medical order that a seriously I'll person need to fill in and ask to their health care provider to sign

This form address your wishes in an emergency situation

Use of CPR in emergency

Hospitalization in emergency,putting breathing machine if necessary

Stay where you are and make you comfortable

-without this form emergency personnel are required to provide all possible treatment to save the client life and keep them alive

DNR order(do not resuscitate)

It is a consent signed by the person who is not willing to perform Cardiopulmonary reuscitate (CPR) and AED(automated external defibrillator)for keep your alive if you stop breathing or your heart stops

Organ and tissue donation

It is form filled by the person to donate their organs and body tissue after their death

,,Many states provide organ donation cards

Also write notations into the driver's licence.

# delegation

Means it is the assignments of authority to another person to carry out specific activities or task

Delegation of duties in nursing

Means it is the transfer of responsibility of one nurse to another nurse for the performance of a task while retaining the accountability of the outcome

-delegation of assingments or tasks related to patient care to unlicenced assistive personal while retaining the accountability vof the output

-in which responsibility can be delegated ,but accountability can not be delegated

Accountability means judgment and actions on the part of the nurse for which the nurse is answerable to self and others for those judgements and actions

Who are involve in the delegation?

Registered nurse

Unlicenced assistive personnels

Registered nurse

A registered nurse is a person who has graduated from a nursing programmes ND met the requirements outlined by their country,state or other government authorised licencing body to obtain a nursing license

Unlicenced assistive personnels

They are class of paraprofessionals who assist individuals with physical and mental disability and other health care needs such as activities of daily livings and other care include basic Nursing procures under the supervision of a registered nurse, licensed practical nurse or other healthcare professionals.

Priciples of delegation

-the nursing profession determines the scope and standards of nursing practice

-the RN has the responsibility and accountability for the provision of nursing practice

-the RN determine the appropriate utilization of resources while providing care

-the RN can delegate takes and elements of care but does not delegate the nursing process itself

-the RN should be aware the facility or agency polices and procedures and the knowledge,skills, diversity awarenesses,training and experience of any individual to whom the RN may delegate elements of care

-the decision to delegate is based on RN judgment concerning the care of the patient,the availability of individual,the competence of the individual accepting the delegation and the intensity and type of supervision needed

-the RN should aknowledge that delegation involves concept of mutual respect

-the nurse leaders are accountable for the competence requirment in the area of delegation.

-the agency or organization is accountable to provide adequate resources to enable proper delegation

-organization policies on delegation should be develope base on the active participation of registered nurses

-the organization is accountable for make sure the registered nurse has access to documented the competency informations for staff to whom the nurse is delegating his /her tasks

#Level of prevention

There are 3levels of prevention

They have importent role in prevention of diseases

Primary prevention

Secondary prevention and

Tertiary prevention

1.primary prevention

It mainly focusing the overall improvement of health of population

Which mainly includes immunization

Health promotion

Proper vaccination programmes help to prevent communicable diseases

2secondary prevention

Which includes

Routine screening programmes

Early detection of diseases

Systemic health check-up to identify cancer , communicable diseases and some other diseases

3. Tertiary prevention

It is interested patient centred disease managemnet

It focus on improving treament and recovery

These are the care given for a client to cure the disease and complete recovery from the illness

Evidence based treatment and management approaches needed.

Health care staff should have training in evidence based practice.

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