In: Computer Science
1. Monoalphabetic substitution (using the Caesar Cipher tool right) Encipher (convert plaintext into ciphertext): meal times Decipher (convert ciphertext in to plaintext): JR PHDQ JUHHQ 2. Polyalphabetic substitution (using the Vigenere Square in the lecture slide) Encipher: fall Decipher: VPX TWOKM
def encrypt(text,s):
result = ""
# transverse the plain text
for i in range(len(text)):
char = text[i]
# Encrypt uppercase characters in plain text
if (char.isupper()):
result += chr((ord(char) + s-65) % 26 + 65)
# Encrypt lowercase characters in plain text
result += chr((ord(char) + s - 97) % 26 + 97)
return result
#check the above function
text = "meal times"
s = 4
print "Plain Text : " + text
print "Shift pattern : " + str(s)
print "Cipher: " + encrypt(text,s)
This is the encipher of Monoalphabetic substitution with key 4.
message = "JR PHDQ JUHHQ"
for key in range(len(LETTERS)):
translated = ''
for symbol in message:
if symbol in LETTERS:
num = LETTERS.find(symbol)
num = num - key
if num < 0:
num = num + len(LETTERS)
translated = translated + LETTERS[num]
translated = translated + symbol
print('Hacking key #%s: %s' % (key, translated))
This is the solution for deciphering monoalphabetic substitution using each and every key. By observing all the outputs the solution is "GO MEAN GREEN".
For viginere cipher, we should have a key with which we have to encipher the given text. So, Giving the function for viginere cipher in python,
import random
import string
from itertools import cycle
def encrypt(flag , key):
for i,j in zip(flag,cycle(key)):
x+=ord(' ')
return("" . join(ciphertext))
For deciphering, the function is as follows,
def generateKey(string, key):
key = list(key)
if len(string) == len(key):
for i in range(len(string) -
key.append(key[i % len(key)])
return("" . join(key))
def originalText(cipher_text, key):
orig_text = []
for i in range(len(cipher_text)):
x = (ord(cipher_text[i]) -
ord(key[i]) + 26) % 26
x += ord('A')
return("" . join(orig_text))
if __name__ == "__main__":
string = input()
keyword = input()
key = generateKey(string, keyword)
cipher_text = cipherText(string,key)
print("Ciphertext :", cipher_text)
print("Original/Decrypted Text :",
originalText(cipher_text, key))