Which amino acidand artificialsweetener areverydangerous to some people? Why? (Hint: Name and describethe disorder, it symptomology,...

Which amino acidand artificialsweetener areverydangerous to some people? Why?

(Hint: Name and describethe disorder, it symptomology, and maintenance)

In: Chemistry

The final volume of buffer solution must be 100.00 mL and the final concentration of the...

The final volume of buffer solution must be 100.00 mL and the final concentration of the weak acid must be 0.100 M.

Based on this information, what mass of solid conjugate base should the student weigh out to make the buffer solution with a pH=7.0 (in grams)? Based on this information, what volume of acid should the student measure to make the 0.100 M buffer solution (in mL)?

My weak acid is Sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate, Ka= 6.23X10^-8, 2.00M and my conjugate base is Disodium hydrogen phosphate heptahydrate, Na2HPO4*7H2O

In: Chemistry

1) Pyridine is a weak base that is used in the manufacture of pesticides and plastic...

1) Pyridine is a weak base that is used in the manufacture of pesticides and plastic resins. It is also a component of cigarette smoke. Pyridine ionizes in water as follows: C5H5N+H2O⇌C5H5NH++OH− The pKb of pyridine is 8.75. What is the pH of a 0.310 M solution of pyridine? Express the pH numerically to two decimal places

2)Benzoic acid is a weak acid that has antimicrobial properties. Its sodium salt, sodium benzoate, is a preservative found in foods, medications, and personal hygiene products. Benzoic acid ionizes in water: C6H5COOH⇌C6H5COO−+H+ The pKa of this reaction is 4.2. In a 0.61 M solution of benzoic acid, what percentage of the molecules are ionized? Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.

In: Chemistry

. The four substances HCl, I2, HI, and Cl2, are mixed in a reaction vessel and...

. The four substances HCl, I2, HI, and Cl2, are mixed in a reaction vessel and allowed to reach equilibrium in the reaction: 2 HCl (g) + I2 (s) ⇌ 2 HI (g) + Cl2 (g) Certain changes (specified in the first column in the following table) are then made to this mixture. Considering each change separately, state the effect (increase, decrease, no change) that the change has on the original equilibrium value of the quantity in the second column (or K, if that is specified). The temperature and volume are constant. Change Quantity Effect add HCl amount of HI add I2 amount of Cl2 remove HI amount of Cl2 remove Cl2 amount of HCl add HCl K remove HCl amount of I2 add I2 K

In: Chemistry

A mass of 14.22g of (NH4)2SO4 (molar mass = 132.06g/mol) is dissolved in water. After the...

A mass of 14.22g of (NH4)2SO4 (molar mass = 132.06g/mol) is dissolved in water. After the solution is heated, 30.19g of Al2(SO4)3•18H2O (molar mass = 666.36g/mol) is added. calculate the theoretical yield of the resulting alum. Hint: This is a limiting reactant problem.

In: Chemistry

Explain the differences between gel electrophoresis and column chromatography. Address the principles behind each separation. Why...

Explain the differences between gel electrophoresis and column chromatography. Address the principles behind each separation. Why do large molecules migrate more easily in one method and with more difficulty in the other? Which method generated the most precise results?

In: Chemistry

Describe and explain observed conductivity changes during the titration of your amino acid. Which parameter is...

Describe and explain observed conductivity changes during the titration of your amino acid. Which parameter is more helpful in locating the first and the second equivalence points, the pH or the electrical conductivity? The amino acid is glutamic acid (HGlu) Thank you.

In: Chemistry

Ammonia is produced by the catalytic reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen. A)   Write the chemical reaction...

Ammonia is produced by the catalytic reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen.

A)   Write the chemical reaction and balance it. Determine the stoichiometric coefficients.

B)    If 15 mol/sec of H2 is fed to the reactor, determine the amount of N2 required if a 20.% excess (of N2) is desired.

C)    If 5.0 mol/sec of H2 exits the catalytic reactor, determine:

i)   ξ.

ii)   the number of moles of all three components exiting the reactor.

iii)   the conversion of H2 and N2.

iv)   the exiting concentration of H2, N2, and ammonia.

D)   What are strategies to increase the conversion of H2?

In: Chemistry

What is the coefficient of H+(aq) after balancing the following equation? Bi3+(aq) + Fe3+(aq) + H2O...

What is the coefficient of H+(aq) after balancing the following equation? Bi3+(aq) + Fe3+(aq) + H2O => BiO31- + Fe2+ + H+(aq)

In: Chemistry

Question: Explain whether the technique errors will result in high or low experimental determination of the...

Question: Explain whether the technique errors will result in high or low experimental determination of the molar concentration of CH3COOH in vinegar. 1. A student uses the pipet bulb to blow the last bit of vinegar sample from the tip into the titration flask, after the pipet is drained. 2. A student fails to clean the pipet first, After delivering the vinegar sample, the student notices a drop of vinegar clinging to the inner surface of the pipet. 3. A student stops the titration when the pink persists throughout the solution for less than 10 seconds after completing the titration, a student notices that buret is not clean. Droplets of NaOH solution are clinging to the inner surface of the buret. Briefly explain why adding distilled water to the vinegar sample prior to the beginning titration does not affect the results of your determination of the molarity of CH3COOH in your vinegar sample.

In: Chemistry

Sodium carbonate (2.4134 g) is dissolved in enough deionized water to give a solution with a...

Sodium carbonate (2.4134 g) is dissolved in enough deionized water to give a solution with a total volume of 250.0 mL. What is the pH of the resulting solution? Hint: For carbonic acid, pKa1 = 6.351 and pKa2 = 10.329. What is the equilibrium concentration of H2CO3 in the solution? calculate the value of alpha HCO3-

In: Chemistry

A.) 0.85 g of hydrogen chloride (HCl) is dissolved in water to make 8.0 L of...

A.) 0.85 g of hydrogen chloride (HCl) is dissolved in water to make 8.0 L of solution. What is the pH of the resulting hydrochloric acid solution?

B.) 0.50 g of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) pellets are dissolved in water to make 6.5 L of solution. What is the pH of this solution?

In: Chemistry

Discuss what influence temperature has on molecular motions and how it would impact the reaction in...

Discuss what influence temperature has on molecular motions and how it would impact the reaction in Part II.

Part II. Temperature Dependence in a Complex Ion EquilibriumMetal ions such as Co2+ will form complex ions, where ligands surround the metal ion. A ligand
is either a molecule or ion that donates electron density to the metal ion to form a bond.Examples of ligands include H2O, NH3, Cl-, and OH-. CoCl2(H2O)2 is a complex metal ion withtwo Cl- (chloro) and two H2O (aqua) ligands surrounding the Co2+ in a tetrahedral geometry.Co(H2O)6

2+ is also a complex ion with six water molecules (aqua ligands) surrounding the

central metal ion, Co2+, in an octahedral geometry.

In aqueous solution, we can observe the conversion between the tetrahedral complex ion,
CoCl2(H2O)2, which is blue, and the hydrated octahedral complex ion, Co(H2O)6

2+, which is pink,

according to the following equilibrium.

CoCl2(H2O)2 + 4 H2O  Co(H2O)6

2+  + 2 Cl-

     blue       pink

By dissolving CoCl2∙(H2O)6 in methanol, the solution obtained is between blue and pink.

In: Chemistry

Suppose a soap manufacturer starts with a triglyceride that has the fatty acid chains arachidonic acid,...

Suppose a soap manufacturer starts with a triglyceride that has the fatty acid chains arachidonic acid, palmitoleic acid and linoleic acid attached to the three backbone carbons. The manufacturer saponifies the triglyceride with NaOH. What are the fatty acid soaps that are produced in the process?

In: Chemistry

How many photons are produced in a laser pulse of 0.616 J at 529 nm?

How many photons are produced in a laser pulse of 0.616 J at 529 nm?

In: Chemistry