In the qualitative analysis scheme, magnesium and nickel precipitate from solution upon the addition of sodium...

In the qualitative analysis scheme, magnesium and nickel precipitate from solution upon the addition of sodium hydroxide. Once separated from the remaining cations by filtration or decanting, the solid mixture is acidified and warmed to dissolve magnesium and nickel cations back into solution. Adding ammonia creates a buffer solution. (Remember, HCl and NH3 makes for NH4+ cation.) The buffered solution should just be basic (say, pH = 8). Adding sodium hydrogen phosphate (Na2HPO4) precipitates magnesium as MgNH4PO4 (Ksp = 3 x 10-13).

a. Write the Ksp expression for the dissociation of MgNH4PO4.

b. Calculate the molar solubility of the compound in pure water.

c.Calculate the [NH4+] in a pH of 8.

d. Calculate the molar solubility of MgNH4PO4 in a solution with pH of 8.

In: Chemistry

Draw sodium methoxide and potassium tert-butoxide. How are they different? What products do you expect from...

Draw sodium methoxide and potassium tert-butoxide. How are they different? What products do you expect from reacting each base with 2-bromoheptane? With 1-bromoheptane?

Explain what makes potassium tert-butoxide more sterically hindered than sodium methoxide and why sodium methoxide could also exhibit steric hindrance when it acts as a base.

What are possible side reactions for each of the reactions?

Why do you want to keep everything dry for this reaction?

In: Chemistry

When the temperature becomes sufficiently high, water vapor starts to decompose into hydrogen gas and oxygen...

When the temperature becomes sufficiently high, water vapor starts to decompose into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas according to 2H2O(g) A 2H2(g) + O2(g) Using the following data, and assuming that 6CP is constant for this reaction and has an effective value of Cp = 18.88 J mol–1 K–1 over the temperature range in question,

calculate: (a) the value of the decomposition constant at 1000 K

(b) the percent decomposition of water vapor at 1000 K and one bar total pressure.

H2(g) O2(g) H2O(g)

hf (298.15) (kJ mol–1) 0.00 0.00 –241.82

S298.15 o (J K–1 mol–1) 130.684 205.138 188.825

In: Chemistry

Find the pH of each of the following mixtures of acids. 7.0×10−2 molL−1 in HNO3HNO3 and...

Find the pH of each of the following mixtures of acids.

7.0×10−2 molL−1 in HNO3HNO3 and 0.185 molL−1 in HC7H5O2

1.5×10−2 molL−1 in HBrHBr and 2.0×10−2 molL−1 in HClO4

9.0×10−2 molL−1 in HFHF and 0.230 molL−1 in C6H5OH

0.105 molL−1 in formic acid and 4.5×10−2 molL−1 in hypochlorous acid

In: Chemistry

1- A 30.00 mL wine sample is titrated with a 1.10×10-1M solution of sodium hydroxide. The...

1- A 30.00 mL wine sample is titrated with a 1.10×10-1M solution of sodium hydroxide. The equivalence point is determined to be 34.705 mL. What is the acidity of the wine expressed as (g tartaric acid / L; MW tartaric acid = 150.085 g/mole)?

2- The acidity of a wine sample is 1.15×101, expressed as (g citric acid / L wine; MW citric acid = 192.124 g/mole) . The sample is titrated with a 0.100 M solution of sodium hydroxide. The equivalence point is determined to be 23.391 mL. What is the volume of the wine sample analyzed in mL?

In: Chemistry

What is the theoretical yield in a reaction using 0.50g of N-tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-alanine, 0.63g methyl-L-phenylalaninate hydrochlroide, 0.4mL...

What is the theoretical yield in a reaction using 0.50g of N-tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-alanine, 0.63g methyl-L-phenylalaninate hydrochlroide, 0.4mL isobutyl chloroformate, and 0.3mL N-methylmorpholine to yield methyl N-tert-butoxycarbonyl-alanyl-phenylalaninate (Boc-Ala-Phe-OMe)?

In: Chemistry

The Kf for the formation of Co(NH3)62+ is 7.70 × 104. The Kf for the formation...

The Kf for the formation of Co(NH3)62+ is 7.70 × 104.
The Kf for the formation of Co(en)32+ is 8.70 × 1013.

Suppose a 500.0 mL solution contains 1.300 millimoles of Co(NO3)2, 100.0 millimoles of NH3, and 100.0 millimoles of ethylenediamine. What is the concentration of Co2+(aq ) in the solution?

In: Chemistry

(1) Deduce the expressions relating pE to pH, the concentration of sulfate ion, and the partial...

(1) Deduce the expressions relating pE to pH, the concentration of sulfate ion, and the partial pressure of hydrogen sulfide gas, given that for the half-reaction, pE° = —3.50 V when the pH is 7.0.

(2) Deduce the partial pressure of hydrogen sulfide when the sulfate ion concentration is 1Q^5 M and the pH is 6.0 for water that is in equilibrium with atmospheric oxygen.

In: Chemistry

Using the stock solution provided (7% NaCl) and water, prepare the following solutions: i) 1 mL...

Using the stock solution provided (7% NaCl) and water, prepare the following solutions: i) 1 mL of NaCl solution with an osmolarity of 50 mOsM ii) 1 mL of NaCl solution with an osmolarity of 300 mOsM iii) 1 mL of NaCl solution with an osmolarity of 1200 mOsM

In: Chemistry

PART A- Ethylamine, an organic amine, C2H5NH2, a weak base with Kb of 8.3×10−5, reacts with...


Ethylamine, an organic amine, C2H5NH2, a weak base with Kb of 8.3×10−5, reacts with water to form its conjugate acid, C2H5NH+3.

1) Write the equation of dissociation for ethylamine.

Express your answer as a chemical equation. Identify all of the phases in your answer.

2)What is the expression constant dissociation for ethylamine?

PART B - Phosphorous acid dissociates to form dihydrogen phosphite and hydronium ion. Phosphorous acid has Kaof 5.0×10−2.

1)Write the equation dissociation for phosphorous acid.

Express your answer as a chemical equation. Identify all of the phases in your answer.

2)What is the expression constant dissociation for phosphorous acid?

In: Chemistry

Why naphthalene is less aromatic than benzene? ** Please give a detailed explanation for this answer....

Why naphthalene is less aromatic than benzene?

** Please give a detailed explanation for this answer. thank you!

In: Chemistry

Enter your answer in the provided box. Determine the pH of (a) a 0.15 M NH3...

Enter your answer in the provided box.

Determine the pH of

(a) a 0.15 M NH3 solution.

(b) a solution that is 0.15 M NH3 and 0.40 M NH4Cl.

Kb for NH3 is 1.8 × 10−5

In: Chemistry

NOTE: If more than one bond angle is possible, separate each with a space. For example,...

If more than one bond angle is possible, separate each with a space.
For example, trigonal bipyramid geometry can lead to 3 different bond angles.
Octahedral geometry can lead to 2.

A. What is the hybridization of the central atom in BrF5?

Hybridization =

What are the approximate bond angles in this substance ?
Bond angles =

In: Chemistry

In the lab, a 2.00 x 10-4 M FeSCN2+ stock solution will be provided. Calculate the...

In the lab, a 2.00 x 10-4 M FeSCN2+ stock solution will be provided. Calculate the volume of stock solution (in mL) required to prepare a 10.00 mL 1.50 x 10-4 M solution. Report your answer to two decimal places. Example: If the calculated volume is 1.2 mL, input 1.20. Exclude units in your answer.

In: Chemistry

Part A: A calorimeter contains 18.0 mL of water at 13.5∘C. When 2.30 g of X...

Part A: A calorimeter contains 18.0 mL of water at 13.5∘C. When 2.30 g of X (a substance with a molar mass of 69.0 g/mol) is added, it dissolves via the reaction X(s)+H2O(l)→X(aq) and the temperature of the solution increases to 30.0∘C. Calculate the enthalpy change, ΔH, for this reaction per mole of X. Assume that the specific heat of the resulting solution is equal to that of water [4.18 J/(g⋅∘C)], that density of water is 1.00 g/mL, and that no heat is lost to the calorimeter itself, nor to the surroundings. Part B: the reaction C12H22O11(s)+12O2(g)→12CO2(g)+11H2O(l) in which 10.0 g of sucrose, C12H22O11, was burned in a bomb calorimeter with a heat capacity of 7.50 kJ/∘C. The temperature increase inside the calorimeter was found to be 22.0∘C. Calculate the change in internal energy, ΔE, for this reaction per mole of sucrose.

In: Chemistry