CalculatethepHofthesolutionformedbyadding25.10mL0.100MHNO3to15.00mL0.150 M KOH.

CalculatethepHofthesolutionformedbyadding25.10mL0.100MHNO3to15.00mL0.150 M KOH.

In: Chemistry

No. 5 A 1.00L bulb containing 0.233 Mol N2 and 0.341 mol PCl5 is heated up...

No. 5

A 1.00L bulb containing 0.233 Mol N2 and 0.341 mol PCl5 is heated up to 523K. The total pressure at equilibrium is 29.33 bar. Assuming that all gases are ideal, calculate Kp for the only reaction that occurs: PCl5(g)<--->PCl3(g) +Cl2(g) (Hint: Notice that the total number of moles at equilibrium is not the same as the initial number of moles)

In: Chemistry

The pH of Chloroacetic acid solution is 1.71 Based on the pH and the pKa of...

The pH of Chloroacetic acid solution is 1.71 Based on the pH and the pKa of 2.85 what percentage of the Chloroacetic acid is in HA(protonated) form

In: Chemistry

Draw a reaction wheel for boron.

Draw a reaction wheel for boron.

In: Chemistry

1)For the following reaction, 4.56 grams of iron(II) chloride are mixed with excess silver nitrate. The...

1)For the following reaction, 4.56 grams of iron(II) chloride are mixed with excess silver nitrate. The reaction yields 5.35 grams of iron(II) nitrate. iron(II) chloride (aq) + silver nitrate (aq) iron(II) nitrate (aq) + silver chloride (s) What is the theoretical yield of iron(II) nitrate ? grams What is the percent yield of iron(II) nitrate ? %

2) For the following reaction, 6.19 grams of iron are mixed with excess oxygen gas . The reaction yields 5.24 grams of iron(II) oxide . iron ( s ) + oxygen ( g ) iron(II) oxide ( s ) What is the theoretical yield of iron(II) oxide ? grams What is the percent yield for this reaction ? %

In: Chemistry

Challenge problem:Critical mass is the smallest amount of radioactive material necessary to sustain a nuclear chain...

Challenge problem:Critical mass is the smallest amount of radioactive material necessary to sustain a nuclear chain reaction. Uranium-235, the isotope of uranium used in the "little boy" bomb dropped on Hiroshima during Wordl War II,has a critical mass of 52 kg. How many long tons of yellowcake (64% uranium by mass) need to be processed to produce a critical mass of U-235? The percent natural abundance of U-235 is 0.72% and its nuclide mass is 235.0439 amu.

1 long ton = 2240 lb., 1 kg = 2.20 lb.

In: Chemistry

How can an organism generate ATP from Acetyl-CoA directly (not via electron transfer chains indirectly)? Describe...

How can an organism generate ATP from Acetyl-CoA directly (not via electron transfer chains indirectly)? Describe the chemistry involved.

In: Chemistry

Imagine that you are in chemistry lab and need to make 1.00 LL of a solution...

Imagine that you are in chemistry lab and need to make 1.00 LL of a solution with a pHpH of 2.60.

You have in front of you

  • 100 mLmL of 6.00×10−2mol L−16.00×10−2mol L−1 HClHCl,
  • 100 mLmL of 5.00×10−2mol L−15.00×10−2mol L−1 NaOHNaOH, and
  • plenty of distilled water.

You start to add HClHCl to a beaker of water when someone asks you a question. When you return to your dilution, you accidentally grab the wrong cylinder and add some NaOHNaOH. Once you realize your error, you assess the situation. You have 83.0 mLmL of HClHCl and 90.0 mLmL of NaOHNaOH left in their original containers.

Assuming the final solution will be diluted to 1.00 LL , how much more HClHCl should you add to achieve the desired pH?

In: Chemistry

For each of the following molecules, draw the most preferred Lewis structure and label each of...

For each of the following molecules, draw the most preferred Lewis structure and label each of the atoms with its formal charge. Question to consider: What is/are the main criteria for drawing a preferred Lewis structure? (a) TeF5 – (b) NO2 +

In: Chemistry

Ignoring activities, determine the molar solubility of copper (I) azide (CuN3) in a solution with a...

Ignoring activities, determine the molar solubility of copper (I) azide (CuN3) in a solution with a pH of 3.088. Ksp (CuN3) = 4.9

In: Chemistry

Potassium tris(oxalato) ferrate (III), also known as potassium ferrioxalate, is a green crystalline- compound of octahedral...

Potassium tris(oxalato) ferrate (III), also known as potassium ferrioxalate, is a green crystalline- compound of octahedral geometry. It is a metal complex of iron with three oxalate (C2O42-) ligands bonded to the central metal atom (Fe). These ligands are bidentate, meaning that each of them binds to the metal atom at 2 different places.

Potassium ferrioxalate is a very interesting photosensitive material. In solution, it reacts with

2− light photons and undergoes a reduction reaction and decomposes to give Fe(C2O4)2 .

Experimental Procedure

I. Preparation of Potassium tris(oxalato) ferrate(III) trihydrate K3[Fe(C2O4)3].3H2O

a. In a beaker place 5 g of ferrous ammonium sulfate in 20 mL of warm water containing 1 mL of dilute sulfuric acid.

b. Stir the solution well.

c. Add to the beaker a solution of 2.5 g of oxalic acid dihydrate in 25 mL of water.

d. Slowly heat the mixture to boiling (beware of bumping) then allow the yellow precipitate to settle.

e. Decant the supernatant using a Buchner funnel making sure it has a properly fitted filter paper.

f. Add 15 mL of hot water to any solid remaining in the beaker, stir and filter.

g. Drain well and then transfer all the precipitate from the filter paper back into the beaker with 10 mL

hot water.

h. Add to the beaker 3.5 g solid potassium oxalate monohydrate and heat to approximately 40°C.

i. Add slowly, using a dropper, 9 mL of "20 vol" hydrogen peroxide.

j. If the precipitate looks yellowish, not brown and settles readily, decant the supernatant, add a

solution of 0.2 - 0.4 g potassium oxalate monohydrate in 1 - 2 mL water and then hydrogen peroxide

dropwise until the precipitate dissolves. Then add the previously decanted supernatant.

k. Heat to boiling, and add a solution of 2 g of oxalic acid dihydrate in 30 mL of water in portions, add 20 mL initially, then if the brown precipitate still remains, add more solution little by little until it all dissolves.

l. Boil the clear solution down to a volume of 40 to 50 mL.

m. Add 95% ethanol slowly until a precipitate starts to form (~ 30 mL).

n. Cool and leave to crystallize.

o. Filter and wash the crystals on the Buchner funnel with a 1:1 ethanol/water mixture and finally with


p. Dry in the air and weigh.

The complex is photosensitive and should not be exposed to light unnecessarily. Store in a sample bottle wrapped in foil. The bright green crystals on exposure soon become covered with a yellow powder of ferrous oxalate.

2K3[Fe(C2O4)3].3H2O 2FeC2O4.2H2O + 2CO2 + 3K2C2O4 + 2H2O

II. Determination of the oxalate content of Potassium trisoxalatoferrate(III) trihydrate.

The iron(III) complex is first decomposed in hot acid solution and the free oxalic acid is titrated against standard (0.02 M) potassium permanganate solution. No indicator is required.

a. Weigh accurately about 0.2 g of the potassium trisoxalatoferrate(III) complex previously prepared.

b. Boil the sample with 50 mL of 1 M sulfuric acid in a conical flask.

c. Allow the solution to cool to about 60°C.

d. Titrate slowly with a standard potassium permanganate solution.

e. Continue titrating until the warm solution retains a slight pink color after standing for about 30 sec.

III. Photochemical reactions of Potassium trisoxalatoferrate(III) trihydrate.

a. Prepare a solution containing 0.2 g of your sample in 15 mL of dilute sulfuric acid.

b. Dilute the solution to 50 mL with distilled water and expose it to sunlight for one hour (note

carefully what happens).

c. Titrate with the standardized potassium permanganate solution to determine the amount of

reducing agent present.

Postlab Assignment

I. Preparation of Potassium tris(oxalato) ferrate(III) trihydrate K3[Fe(C2O4)3]

  1. Calculate the theoretical yield. Show all your calculations.
  2. Calculate the percent yield

II. Determination of the oxalate content of Potassium trisoxalatoferrate(III) trihydrate.

2. Calculate the percentage by weight of oxalate in the complex; compare this with the theoretical

value and then calculate the percentage purity of the complex.


In: Chemistry

A student loaded a mixture onto a small flash chromatography column in 1 mL of ethyl...

A student loaded a mixture onto a small flash chromatography column in 1 mL of ethyl
acetate, then proceeded to elute with hexanes/ethyl acetate 10:1. He/she found that all of the mixture came off in the first 3 fractions, with no separation. What technical mistake did the student make?

In: Chemistry

A compound has a pKa of 7.4. To 100mL of a 1.0 M solution of this...

A compound has a pKa of 7.4. To 100mL of a 1.0 M solution of this compound at pH 8.0 is added 30 mL of 1.0M hydrochloric acid. What is the resulting pH?

In: Chemistry

7.1 g of water ice at 268.4 K is mixed with 234 g of liquid water...

7.1 g of water ice at 268.4 K is mixed with 234 g of liquid water at 304.7 K in an insulated container under an external pressure of 1.00 bar. Answer the following questions assuming that the physical properties of water and ice are constant over the range of interest. Physical properties for water and ice are given below:

Cp,m,ice = 1.95 J g-1 K-1
ΔHfusion,ice = 333.4 J g-1
Cp,m,water = 4.18 J g-1 K-1
Melting point of ice: 273.15 K

1) What will be the final form of the system? Select one that applies


Mixed water and ice


2)What is the final temperature, Tf (in K), of the system when it reaches equilibrium?
Tf = ____________ K.

In: Chemistry

why is it unlikely for magnesium to form a cation with a charge of 1+?

why is it unlikely for magnesium to form a cation with a charge of 1+?

In: Chemistry