Mercury has a density of 13.6 Give the symbol of an elemental metal that will float...

Mercury has a density of 13.6

Give the symbol of an elemental metal that will float in Hg (liq) The choices are -

Aluminium, Copper, Gold, Mercury, Silver, Brass, Cast Iron, 14 carat gold jewelry, 18 carat gold jewelry, 24 carat gold jewelry, Stainless Steel, Solder.

- What is the symbol of the elemental metal of the choices listed above that will sink in Hg (liq)?

In: Chemistry

A particular reaction has an activation energy, Ea, of 112 kJ/mol.  If the rate constant for the...

A particular reaction has an activation energy, Ea, of 112 kJ/mol.  If the rate constant for the reaction is 0.00621 s −1 at 452 °C, at what temperature(in°C) would the rate constant be 0.145 s −1?

In: Chemistry

Given the following heats of formation (ΔH°f, 25°C) and heats of combustion (ΔH°c, 25°C) data, determine...

Given the following heats of formation (ΔH°f, 25°C) and heats of combustion (ΔH°c, 25°C) data, determine the heat of reaction for the liquid-phase esterification of lactic acid (C3H6O3) with ethanol (C2H5OH) to form ethyl lactate (C5H10O3) and liquid water at 25°C and 1 atm.

C3H6O3 + C2H5OH --> C5H10O3 + H2O (liquid)

The table below shows the standard heat of combustion and heat of reaction.


ΔH°c (25°C, 1 atm) kJ/mol

ΔH°f (25°C, 1 atm) kJ/mol










H2O (liquid)



CO2 (gas)



O2 (gas)



In: Chemistry

A) a scuba tank has a volume of 11.0L and is pressurized to 2975 PSI. assuming...

A) a scuba tank has a volume of 11.0L and is pressurized to 2975 PSI. assuming temperature of 25C, what would the volume of the gas be if it were all released from the cylinder at an ambient pressure of 758 Torr.

B) If the gas in the cylinder is 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen, what is the mass of the gas in the cylinder.

In: Chemistry

are solid particles with long range order A. crystalline particles. B. amorphous particles C. rigid particles...

are solid particles with long range order

A. crystalline particles.

B. amorphous particles

C. rigid particles

D. regular particles

E. inelastic particles

In: Chemistry

when compounds are nitrated, typicallya mixture of concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids are required. howerever, when...

when compounds are nitrated, typicallya mixture of concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids are required. howerever, when phenol undergoes nitration only dilute nitric acid is required. why is this?

In: Chemistry

The equilibrium constant, Kc, for the following reaction is 41.1 at 289 K. 2CH2Cl2(g) --> CH4(g)...

The equilibrium constant, Kc, for the following reaction is 41.1 at 289 K.

2CH2Cl2(g) --> CH4(g) + CCl4(g)  

When a sufficiently large sample of CH2Cl2(g) is introduced into an evacuated vessel at 289 K, the equilibrium concentration of CCl4(g) is found to be 0.202 M.  

Calculate the concentration of CH2Cl2 in the equilibrium mixture. ? M

2)The equilibrium constant, Kc, for the following reaction is 1.80×10-2 at 698 K.  
Calculate Kp for this reaction at this temperature.  

2HI(g) --> H2(g) +  I2(g)

3) The equilibrium constant, Kc, for the following reaction is 5.10×10-6 at 548 K.  
Calculate Kp for this reaction at this temperature.  

NH4Cl(s) --> NH3(g) +  HCl(g)

In: Chemistry

What is mass (including electrons and without electrons) of one atom of each of these elements...

What is mass (including electrons and without electrons) of one atom of each of these elements (in grams): Chromium, Molybdenum, and Tungsten?

In: Chemistry

In addition to the molecular orbital treatment of H2, the ground state can be treated by...

In addition to the molecular orbital treatment of H2, the ground state can be treated by the so-called valence bond (Heitler-London) approach, where individual covalent bonds are combined to form an antisymmetric wave function with spins up and down. Look up this approach and compare the results with the simple MO treatment in terms of bond energy (kJ/mol) and bond distance (pm).

In: Chemistry

75mL of a 0.111 mol L-1 solution of butanoic acid(H3CCH2CH2C(=O)OH), and 38 mL of a solution...

75mL of a 0.111 mol L-1 solution of butanoic acid(H3CCH2CH2C(=O)OH), and 38 mL of a solution of KOH of molarity 0.101 mol L-1 are mixed in a 250 mL beaker. What would be the resulting solution's pH?

In: Chemistry

- Why are electron withdrawing groups (ie nitro group, carbonyl) meta directors? - Why are electron...

- Why are electron withdrawing groups (ie nitro group, carbonyl) meta directors?

- Why are electron donating groups o,p-directors? -

Why are halogens deactivators, but o,p-directors

In: Chemistry

1.) Given the following data: C2H2(g) + 5/2 O2(g) à2CO2(g) + H2O(l)      ΔH= -1300.kJ C(s) +...

1.) Given the following data:

C2H2(g) + 5/2 O2(g) à2CO2(g) + H2O(l)      ΔH= -1300.kJ

C(s) + O2(g) àCO2(g)                                   ΔH= -394kJ

H2(g) + O2(g) à H2O(l)                                 ΔH= -286kJ

Use Hess’s Law to calculate ΔH for the reaction

2C(s) + H2(g) àC2H2(g)

2.) Calculate ΔH° for each of the following reactions using the data for the enthalpy of

formation in the appendix.

2Na(s) + 2H2O(l)à2NaOH(aq) + H2(g

In: Chemistry

Explain the relationship between group number and the number of bonds that ions of elements are...

Explain the relationship between group number and the number of bonds that ions of elements are likely to form.

Please explain in detial!

In: Chemistry

A solution is 0.017 M in Al3+ and 0.136 M in NaF. If the Kf for...

A solution is 0.017 M in Al3+ and 0.136 M in NaF. If the Kf for AlF63- is 7.0 × 10^19, what is the aluminum ion concentration at equilibrium?

In: Chemistry

Consider the following system at equilibrium N2(g)+3H2(g) <------> 2NH3(g)+ heat Indicatre which way the reaction wil...

Consider the following system at equilibrium

N2(g)+3H2(g) <------> 2NH3(g)+ heat

Indicatre which way the reaction wil shift when making the following changes

1. Decreasing in the temperture

2. Increasing in the temperture

3. Removing some of NH3

4. Removing some of the H2O

5. Adding some O2

6. Removing some N2

****Pick from these answers ****

A. Forward reaction will increase

B. Reverse reaction will increase

C. There will be no change in either direction

In: Chemistry