Using the following data, calculate the Hrxnfor the reaction: C2H4(g) + H2(g) →C2H6(g) (ch8) 1.H2(g) +...

Using the following data, calculate the Hrxnfor the reaction: C2H4(g) + H2(g) →C2H6(g) (ch8)

1.H2(g) + . O2(g) H2O()H1= –285.8 kJ

2.C2H4(g) + 3 O2(g) 2 H2O() + 2 CO2(g)H2= –1411 kJ

3.3 H2O() + 2 CO2(g) 7/2 O2(g) + C2H6(g)H3= –(–1560 kJ)

In: Chemistry

Question 1 How many orbitals are in a 4d subshell? 1 3 5 6 7 4...

Question 1

How many orbitals are in a 4d subshell?






4 points

Question 2

Which of the following requires the greatest amount of energy to remove one valence electron from an atom?






4 points

Question 3

Which of the following bonds is most polar?


In: Chemistry

Balance the following redox equation in basic conditions: Ag(s) + MnO4⁻(aq) ⟶ MnO2(s) + Ag+(aq) What...

Balance the following redox equation in basic conditions:

Ag(s) + MnO4(aq) ⟶ MnO2(s) + Ag+(aq)

What is the stochiometric coefficient for H2O in the balanced equation?

In: Chemistry

Part A - Bovine Insulin An aqueous solution containing 1.0 g/liter of bovine insulin (a protein...

Part A -

Bovine Insulin

An aqueous solution containing 1.0 g/liter of bovine insulin (a protein not ionized) has an osmotic pressure of 3.1 mm Hg at 25

In: Chemistry

What process would you use to disrupt the primary level of organization of a protein? [Select...

What process would you use to disrupt the primary level of organization of a protein? [Select all that apply]

A. Hydrolysis

B. Denaturation

C. Hydrogenation

D. Acidification

E. Enzymatic digestion (Protease)

In: Chemistry

Calculate the pH after 0.14 mole of NaOH is added to 1.09 L of a solution...

Calculate the pH after 0.14 mole of NaOH is added to 1.09 L of a solution that is 0.49 M HNO2 and 1.18 M NaNO2, and calculate the pH after 0.28 mole of HCl is added to 1.09 L of the same solution of HNO2 and NaNO2.

0.14 mole of NaOH    
0.28 mole of HCl    

In: Chemistry

What are the critical temperatures and pressure values of three different fluids, namely CO2, N2 and...

What are the critical temperatures and pressure values of three different fluids, namely CO2, N2 and Air? Discuss which is more suitable for use in supercritical fluid extraction and why.

In: Chemistry

A miniature volcano can be made in the laboratory with ammonium dichromate. When ignited, it decomposes...

A miniature volcano can be made in the laboratory with ammonium dichromate. When ignited, it decomposes in a fiery display. (NH4)2Cr2O7(s) → N2(g) + 4 H2O(g) + Cr2O3(s) If 0.70 g of ammonium dichromate is used, and the gases from this reaction are trapped in a 13.3 L flask at 28 °C, what is the total pressure of the gas in the flask? What are the partial pressures of N2 and H2O?

In: Chemistry

an ic engine burns octane C8H18 and uses 125% theortical air.the air and fuel enter at...

an ic engine burns octane C8H18 and uses 125% theortical air.the air and fuel enter at 25, the product leave at 700k. in the engine 85% of carbon burns to co2 and the remainder burn to co. the heat transfer loss to the cooling jacket is negligible. determine the power output if the engine burns 6kg fuel per hour

In: Chemistry

why can we disregard the concentration of sodium hydroxide in this experiment even though we are...

why can we disregard the concentration of sodium hydroxide in this experiment even though we are measuring thr rate of the reaction between NaOH and crystal violet?

In: Chemistry

Chapter is over Equilibrium Chemistry and connecting to Gravimetric systematic solving. 6. Write a charge balance...

Chapter is over Equilibrium Chemistry and connecting to Gravimetric systematic solving.

6. Write a charge balance equation and mass balance equations for the following solutions. Some solutions may have more than one mass balance

Please help I don't understand how to derive these.

a. 0.1 M NaCL

b. 0.1 M HCl

c. 0.1 M HF

g. 0.10 M HCl and 0.05 M NaNO2

In: Chemistry

84) You are in charge of quality control at an automotive manufacturing facility that is using...

84) You are in charge of quality control at an automotive manufacturing facility that is using UNS 7068 aluminum alloy for the engine blocks.   How can you verify that this is in fact UNS 7068. Be specific in providing the measurements whatever technique you propose should read for the authentic alloy ?


Please answer in clear words NO guessing!!! Thanks

In: Chemistry

Q: Please explain your interest in participating in the LifeSci NYC internship program. How does this...

Q: Please explain your interest in participating in the LifeSci NYC internship program. How does this program fit in your future career goals? What professional and personal skills do you hope to learn during this internship? Note that this program welcomes both scientists and non-scientists; either way, we want to hear about your interest in being a part of the life sciences industry in New York City. (Up to 500 words) *

Help me with some ideas, thank you!

In: Chemistry

The decomposition of XYXY is second order in XYXY and has a rate constant of 7.16×10−3...

The decomposition of XYXY is second order in XYXY and has a rate constant of 7.16×10−3 M−1⋅s−1M−1⋅s−1 at a certain temperature.

a) What is the half-life for this reaction at an initial concentration of 0.100 MM?

How long will it take for the concentration of XYXY to decrease to 12.5%% of its initial concentration when the initial concentration is 0.100 MM?
c) How long will it take for the concentration of XYXY to decrease to 12.5% of its initial concentration when the initial concentration is 0.200 MM?
d) If the initial concentration of XYXY is 0.140 MM, how long will it take for the concentration to decrease to 6.00×10−2 MM?

If the initial concentration of XYXY is 0.050 MM, what is the concentration of XYXY after 45.0 ss?

If the initial concentration of XYXY is 0.050 MM, what is the concentration of XYXY after 600 ss?

In: Chemistry

Describe the process of each step in the experiment (Fischer esterification/ Isopentyl acetate lab). a. The...

Describe the process of each step in the experiment (Fischer esterification/ Isopentyl acetate lab).

a. The reaction is done using a reflux condenser.

b. The reaction mixture is washed with water.

c. The reaction mixture is washed with aqueous sodium bicarbonate.

d. Anhydrous sodium sulfate is added to the top layer.

e. The final product is purified by distillation.

In: Chemistry