In: Nursing
Module 05 Assignment – Designing a Care Map
Purpose of Assignment
Course Competency
After reviewing the medical conditions presented in the textbook, including osteoporosis, osteomyelitis, disorders of the feet, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel disorder, rotator cuff injury, or other musculoskeletal disorders, develop a care map using the template directly after these instructions. For this assignment, include the following: common assessment findings, a nursing diagnosis, outcomes, and nursing interventions with rationale for a client with a musculoskeletal disorder.
Use at least two scholarly sources to support your care map. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a reference page using APA format.
A care map : Patient with Musculoskeletal disorder.
Musculoskeletal disorders are the disorders that affect bones and muscles and include osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, Gout, fracture, plantar fasciitis, Carpel tunnel disorder, osteomyelitis etc.
A form of arthritis, affecting mainly older people , caused by chronic degeneration of the cartilage and synovial membrane of the joints leading to pain and stiffness .
Common assessment findings include pain , stiffness and tingling sensation of the joints, impairment in Activities of Daily Living ( ADLs) and inability to participate in exercise
Care map of patient with Osteoarthritis:
Nursing Diagnosis:
1. Chronic/ Acute pain related to joint degeneration as evidenced by facial grimaces and reports of a decreased ability to perform ADLs because of discomfort.
Expected outcome;
Client will engage in Activities of daily living without an increase in pain level . /
Client will exhibit increased comfort such as relaxed facial expression and body posture.
Nursing intervention ( with rationale):
* Assess the characteristics of pain :
to understand the location, severity , frequency and nature (ache, sharp)of pain ( rationale)
* Identify the activities and factors that seemed to be aggravating or precipitating the pain :
Osteoarthritic pain may be associated with specific movements, especially with repeated movements of the affected joint.
* Apply hot application to the affected part:
heat improves the blood flow, there buy reducing the pain.
* Provide adequate rest periods:
Fatigue can increase the discomfort.
* Support joints in a slightly flexed manner by using pillow or rolls :
discomfort can be reduced by flexion of joints
* Before threapy and exercise, medicate the patient as per physician's order:
Analgesics can reduce the pain, so that patient will participate in exercise, otherwise they may be reluctant to participate.
2. Nursing Diagnosis:
Impaired physical mobility related to restricted joint movement and fatigue as evidenced by limited range of motion and reluctance to move
Expected outcome:
Client will demonstrate the use of adaptive changes that promote Ambulation.
Client will perform physical activity within limits of activity restriction .
Interventions with rationale
* Monitor the body weight of the client : joint pain may increase due to exessive body weight
* Assess the posture and gait of the patient :
to observe any unstable gait or observable limp
* Assess the range of motion in all joints:
joint deformity can cause impairment in ROM
* Encourage sitting in a chair with a support and raised seat: This afaptive technique ensure safety while getting in and out of chair.
* Encourage the client to use assistive devices such as crutches or walker :
Assistive devices reduces the load on joints.
* Facilitate the physical therapy session by a therapist:
To promote muscle strength and joint mobility.
3. Nursing Diagnosis :
Activity intolerance related to joint pain as evidenced by limitation of movement
Expected outcome:
Client will report a measurable increase in activity tolerance
Interventions with rationale
* Assess the client's nutritional status:
Adequate energy is needed for activity
* Assess the physical activity level and mobility:
To provide base line information for planning the intervention
* Asssist the client with ADLs:
Assisting the client with ADLs allows to conserve energy, that reduces fatigue.
* Encourage active ROM exercise:
to maintain muscle strength and joint mobility
* Provide the client with assistive devices and demonstrate its use:
Walkers or cane can enhance the client's mobility and activity.
( I selected a disease condition of my choice, as there was no option given in the question. Anu preference you can comment. Please make the given answers into the templates as per instructions. Thank you.)