In: Chemistry
CFT describes how the five-fold degeneracy of a metal atom’s
d-orbitals is split into two sets, the Eg and the
T2g sets of orbitals, when 6 ligands, L, coordinate the
metal and are positioned at the vertices of an octahedron.Describe the condition(s) required to make the five d-orbitalsall non-degenerate. Provide suffice reasoning for
full credit!
!) a d subeshell is five fold degenerte it cantians d(xy), d(yz) d (xz), d(x2-y2) and dz2 all these d orbitals are degnerate orbits that means orbitals have same energy, but it is possible only under folowing conditions 1. isolated transition gaseous metal tatom, 2) when a transition metal atom or ion is surrounded by symmetriacal -ve field
but in fact tansition metal atom usally surrouded by 1.ligands, or solvent or water or ions due to whoch it loses degeracy and spilit in to diferent groups differ in energy is called crystal field splitting for an example in octahedral complxeses it split in t0 two groups . they are 1) lower enrgy set of orbitals callled t2g (dxy ,dyz and dzx) and another group of higher energy orbitals called eg orbitals (dx2-y2) and dz2)
d - orbitals ................................dxy ,dyz dzx (t2g) triply degenerate orbitals
....................................dx2-y2 and dz2
eg orbittals lobes are directly facing ligands ,get repelled , incrsese energy so that they possess higher energy than
t2g orbitals the enregy difference between eg and t2g orbitals is called crystal field splittingn . In octhedron shape 6 ligansds are oreiented at 6 corner s of a regular octahdraon