
In: Computer Science

######################LANGUAGE PANDAS#################### #####################MATPLOTLIB########################### ######################################################### # read ufo.csv into a DataFrame called 'ufo' # print the head...

######################LANGUAGE PANDAS####################



# read ufo.csv into a DataFrame called 'ufo'

# print the head and the tail

# examine the default index, data types, and shape of ufo dataframe

# count the number of missing values in each column

# count total number of null vlaues in the dataframe

# print those rows which has null values

# fill null values,
#if any column is numerical has null value than fill this column with mean of that column

#if any column is categorical than fill this column with most frequent value of that column

# calculate the most frequent value for each of the columns (in a single command)

# what are the four most frequent colors reported?

# for reports in VA, what's the most frequent city?

# show only the UFO reports from Arlington, VA

# show only the UFO reports in which the City is missing

# how many rows remain if you drop all rows with any missing values?

# replace any spaces in the column names with an underscore

# create a new column called 'Location' that includes both City and State
# For example, the 'Location' for the first row would be 'Ithaca, NY'

# map existing values to a different set of values
# like in column 'is_male', convert F value to 0 and M to 1 with pandas

# writing generic code to replace spaces with underscores
# In other words, your code should not reference the specific column names

# convert datatype of column 'time' to the datetime format

ufo.csv file

City Colors Reported Shape Reported State Time
Ithaca TRIANGLE NY ########
Willingboro OTHER NJ ########
Holyoke OVAL CO ########
Abilene DISK KS ########
New York Worlds Fair LIGHT NY ########
Valley City DISK ND ########
Crater Lake CIRCLE CA ########
Alma DISK MI ########
Eklutna CIGAR AK ########
Hubbard CYLINDER OR ########
Fontana LIGHT CA ########
Waterloo FIREBALL AL ########
Belton RED SPHERE SC ########
Keokuk OVAL IA ########
Ludington DISK MI ########
Forest Home CIRCLE CA ########
Los Angeles CA ########
Hapeville GA ########
Oneida RECTANGLE TN ########
Bering Sea RED OTHER AK ########
Nebraska DISK NE ########


Expert Solution


(1.) read ufo.csv into a DataFrame called 'ufo'

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df = pd.read_csv('')

(2.) print the head


(3.) print the tail


(4.) examine the default index


(5.) examine the data types


(6.) examine the shape of ufo dataframe


18241 rows total

(7.) count total number of null vlaues in the dataframe


(8.) print those rows which has null values

null_data = df[df.isnull().any(axis=1)]

(9.) if any column is numerical has null value than fill this column with mean of that column

df.select_dtypes(include=["float", 'int']).columns

no column have numeric values.

(10.) if any column is categorical than fill this column with most frequent value of that column == 'category'

No column have categorical values, all column dtype is 'object'

(11.) calculate the most frequent value for each of the columns


(12.) what are the four most frequent colors reported?

n = 4
df['Colors Reported'].value_counts()[:n].index.tolist()

(13.) for reports in VA, what's the most frequent city?

df['City'].loc[df['State'] == 'VA'].mode()

(14.) show only the UFO reports from Arlington, VA

df1 = df.loc[df['City'] == 'Arlington']
df1.loc[df1['State'] == 'VA']

(15.) show only the UFO reports in which the City is missing

city_miss = df[df.City.isnull()]

(16.) how many rows remain if you drop all rows with any missing values?

df = df.dropna()

2486 rows left after removing missing values

(17.) replace any spaces in the column names with an underscore

df.columns = df.columns.str.replace(' ', '_')

(18.) create a new column called 'Location' that includes both City and State

df['Location'] = df['City'] + ", " + (df['State'])

(19.) convert datatype of column 'time' to the datetime format

df['Time'] = pd.to_datetime(df.Time)

NOTE: Use jupyter notebook and python for better understanding.

Thumbs Up Please !!!

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