
In: Computer Science

Write the simple shell in C language. Please show some outputs.

Write the simple shell in C language. Please show some outputs.


Expert Solution

Write the simple shell in C language. Please show some outputs.

Linux Shell in C









#define MAXCOM 1000 // max number of letters to be supported

#define MAXLIST 100 // max number of commands to be supported

// Clearing the shell using escape sequences

#define clear() printf("\033[H\033[J")

// Greeting shell during startup

void init_shell()





    printf("\n\n\n\t****MY SHELL****");

    printf("\n\n\t-USE AT YOUR OWN RISK-");



    char* username = getenv("USER");

    printf("\n\n\nUSER is: @%s", username);





// Function to take input

int takeInput(char* str)


    char* buf;

    buf = readline("\n>>> ");

    if (strlen(buf) != 0) {


        strcpy(str, buf);

        return 0;

    } else {

        return 1;



// Function to print Current Directory.

void printDir()


    char cwd[1024];

    getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));

    printf("\nDir: %s", cwd);


// Function where the system command is executed

void execArgs(char** parsed)


    // Forking a child

    pid_t pid = fork();

    if (pid == -1) {

        printf("\nFailed forking child..");


    } else if (pid == 0) {

        if (execvp(parsed[0], parsed) < 0) {

            printf("\nCould not execute command..");



    } else {

        // waiting for child to terminate





// Function where the piped system commands is executed

void execArgsPiped(char** parsed, char** parsedpipe)


    // 0 is read end, 1 is write end

    int pipefd[2];

    pid_t p1, p2;

    if (pipe(pipefd) < 0) {

        printf("\nPipe could not be initialized");



    p1 = fork();

    if (p1 < 0) {

        printf("\nCould not fork");



    if (p1 == 0) {

        // Child 1 executing..

        // It only needs to write at the write end


        dup2(pipefd[1], STDOUT_FILENO);


        if (execvp(parsed[0], parsed) < 0) {

            printf("\nCould not execute command 1..");



    } else {

        // Parent executing

        p2 = fork();

        if (p2 < 0) {

            printf("\nCould not fork");



        // Child 2 executing..

        // It only needs to read at the read end

        if (p2 == 0) {


            dup2(pipefd[0], STDIN_FILENO);


            if (execvp(parsedpipe[0], parsedpipe) < 0) {

                printf("\nCould not execute command 2..");



        } else {

            // parent executing, waiting for two children






// Help command builtin

void openHelp()


    puts("\n***WELCOME TO MY SHELL HELP***"

        "\nCopyright @ Suprotik Dey"

        "\n-Use the shell at your own risk..."

        "\nList of Commands supported:"




        "\n>all other general commands available in UNIX shell"

        "\n>pipe handling"

        "\n>improper space handling");



// Function to execute builtin commands

int ownCmdHandler(char** parsed)


    int NoOfOwnCmds = 4, i, switchOwnArg = 0;

    char* ListOfOwnCmds[NoOfOwnCmds];

    char* username;

    ListOfOwnCmds[0] = "exit";

    ListOfOwnCmds[1] = "cd";

    ListOfOwnCmds[2] = "help";

    ListOfOwnCmds[3] = "hello";

    for (i = 0; i < NoOfOwnCmds; i++) {

        if (strcmp(parsed[0], ListOfOwnCmds[i]) == 0) {

            switchOwnArg = i + 1;




    switch (switchOwnArg) {

    case 1:



    case 2:


        return 1;

    case 3:


        return 1;

    case 4:

        username = getenv("USER");

        printf("\nHello %s.\nMind that this is "

            "not a place to play around."

            "\nUse help to know more..\n",


        return 1;




    return 0;


// function for finding pipe

int parsePipe(char* str, char** strpiped)


    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

        strpiped[i] = strsep(&str, "|");

        if (strpiped[i] == NULL)



    if (strpiped[1] == NULL)

        return 0; // returns zero if no pipe is found.

    else {

        return 1;



// function for parsing command words

void parseSpace(char* str, char** parsed)


    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < MAXLIST; i++) {

        parsed[i] = strsep(&str, " ");

        if (parsed[i] == NULL)


        if (strlen(parsed[i]) == 0)




int processString(char* str, char** parsed, char** parsedpipe)


    char* strpiped[2];

    int piped = 0;

    piped = parsePipe(str, strpiped);

    if (piped) {

        parseSpace(strpiped[0], parsed);

        parseSpace(strpiped[1], parsedpipe);

    } else {

        parseSpace(str, parsed);


    if (ownCmdHandler(parsed))

        return 0;


        return 1 + piped;


int main()


    char inputString[MAXCOM], *parsedArgs[MAXLIST];

    char* parsedArgsPiped[MAXLIST];

    int execFlag = 0;


    while (1) {

        // print shell line


        // take input

        if (takeInput(inputString))


        // process

        execFlag = processString(inputString,

        parsedArgs, parsedArgsPiped);

        // execflag returns zero if there is no command

        // or it is a builtin command,

        // 1 if it is a simple command

        // 2 if it is including a pipe.

        // execute

        if (execFlag == 1)


        if (execFlag == 2)

            execArgsPiped(parsedArgs, parsedArgsPiped);


    return 0;


To Run the code –

 gcc shell.c -lreadline



**** MY SHELL****



USER is @supde


Dirymedia/supdegnEs/Documents/interships/2nd yr internships/yeeksforgeeks/Codes a.out shells

Dir: /media/supde/FILES/Documents/interships/Znd yr internships/geeksforgeeks/Godes xxx mkdir gfg

Dir: /media/supde/FILES/Documents/interships/Znd yr internships/geeksforgeeks/Godes xxx Is a.out gfg shells

Dir:/media/supde/FILES/Documents/interships/Znd yr internships/geeksforgeeks/Godes xxx hello

Hello supde. Mind that this is not a place to play around. Use help to know more..

Dir: /media/supde/FILES/Documents/interships/Znd yr internships/geeksforgeeks/Godes xxx exit


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