In: Nursing
A baby born has just been born to Mary. The cord has been cut and the Dr. hands the baby to the nurse.
The first thing you must do after the Dr. hands you the newborn is ____________________.
The baby is placed in the warmer. The baby is crying loudly, hands and feet are slightly blueish, extremities are well flexed, heart rate is 140, and when suctioning the infant’s nose and mouth he cry’s
1. What is the baby’s Apgar score? _______________________
2. When is the next Apgar score to be taken? ________________________
3. Describe the technique of suctioning the baby’s nose and mouth and why it is done:
Mom is now holding infant and trying to breast feed. To help mom show her how to hold infant and how to have baby latch on.
4. After Mom has held infant for 1 hour, you take the infant to the nursery to weigh, obtain length, head circumference, chest circumference and gestational age assessment. the infant is placed in the warmer and body temperature should be maintained at ____________________. Record length __________
weight___________ head circumference______________chest circumference____________
5. Explain how the infant warmer works:
You are now ready to apply the eye ointment:
6. what is the name of this ointment and why is it given?
The next medication to be given is a Vitamin K injection.
What is the rational for this medication? _____________________________________________________________________________
Draw up this medication and give to the infant.
after cutting the umbilical cord a clamp is applied to the remaining part .Dry the baby immediately because baby is covered with amniotic fluid.Dry the baby with blanket and with the help of warmer.Suction the newborn to remove fluids accumulated in the mouth and clear the respiratory tract.
1- Apgar score 7 -10 is normal
4-6 means babyneeds support for breathing.
2- First apgar score is doing at 1 minute of birth and second is done at 5 minute of birth.
3- For suctioning the mouth and nose of the baby suction the mouth first.While suctioning mouth the tip of the bulb syringe places towards the baby's inside cheek.maintain handhygiene .Always hold the tip of bulb between middle finger and forefinger.
Hold the baby in the crook of the arm opposite the feeding breast.always support baby's head with one hand.With other hand support breast in a U shape.Guide the baby's mouth to breast.
4 - Average length = 50 -0 cm
Weight =2.5 kg -4.5 kg
Chest circumferance =33 35 cm
Head circumferance =35-38 cm
5- Radiant warmer is a device it provides heat to the body .it also helps to maintain body tempreature and also controls the metabolism rate.In newborm heat loss is much faster,thereby warmer help to maintain adequate tempreature.
6- Erythromycin eye ointment is is used,to prevent pink eye or ophthalmia neonatrum in newborns in the first month.
Low level vitamin k can leads to bleeding in newborn.It is given to avoid dangerous bleeding in newborn.
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