
In: Computer Science

that, given an integer N and an integer K, returns the minimum number of rounds that...

that, given an integer N and an integer K, returns the minimum number of rounds that are necessary for John to leave the casino with N chips, having played all-in no more than K times.


Expert Solution

def solution(n,k):
    all_in = 0
    dic = dict()
        #it creates a directionary of betting exactly one chip or betting all-in
        if n==2:
            dic[n] = "He bet 1"
        if n%2==0 and all_in<k:
            dic[n] = "All-in"
            dic[n] = "He bet 1"
    print("At the beginning: 1\n")
    for key in sorted(dic):
        #betting after 2nd round
        if count%10==2:
            temp = str(count)+"nd"
        #betting after 3rd round
        elif count%10==3:
            temp = str(count)+"rd"
        #betting after 1st round
        elif count==1:
            temp = str(count)+"st"
        #else remaining rounds
            temp = str(count)+"th"
        print("After {} round: {} ({})".format(temp,key,dic[key])) #prints the output

    print("\nHe played all-in {} times".format(all_in))

#user input for N and K
N = int(input("Enter N:"))
K = int(input("Enter K:"))
solution(N,K)   #function call


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