Given the following 7 relations:
MIScompany (name, address, phone,
email, FedTaxId, StaTaxId)
branch (branchId, name, address,
phone, email, FedTaxId, StaTaxId)
employee (empId, driverId, ssno, name,
customer (custId, name, address,
driverId, ssno, FedTaxId, StaTaxId)
equipment (equipId, name, type, upc,
purchaseDate, year, manufacturId, cost, rentFee, branchId )
manufacturer (manufacturId, name,
FedTaxId, StaTaxId, phone, email)
rental (rentalId,
equipId, custId, rentDate&time,
returnDate&time, empId)
1) Use relational algebra to list
every manufacturer that only makes electric cleaning tool (type of
equipment). The report should...