
In: Computer Science

Design a shell program to remove all the shell programming files ending with sh on your...

Design a shell program to remove all the shell programming files ending with sh on your home directory when a SIGINT signal is received.


Expert Solution

I understand the problem, But dosent specified, from where do you get the SIGINT signal. So what I had done is to generate a SIGINT signal in the program (press ctrl+c) for that.

We can ignore the SIGINT with the command

trap '' SIGINT

To do something when a SIGINT command has occured , handle it with the command

trap handler SIGINT

and the function

        echo "Do something here"

So to answer the question completely

        echo "Removing all the bash script in home dir.... :"
        rm -r ~/*.sh
        echo "Removed all the bash script in home dir :"
while read -p  "enter (ctrl+c) for SIGINT : " temporaryVariable 
        echo "you entered : $temporaryVariable" 
        trap handler SIGINT

save theis script anywhere other than the home directory(becase we need to remove all the sh files in home)

Explenations :

I had created three bash scripts in the home directory

Screenshot of the ls command (which list the .sh files)

Now I had placed the script in another directory and run it

screenshot the running of program

( make sure that you enter first an alphebet , only enter teh ctrl + c in next iteratioon)

I entered ctrl+c to generate the SIGINT

and ctrl+z to stop the execution of the script

Now I will again show the screenshot of the home directory

The highlighted output is the result of the command ls *.sh after executing the bash script.


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