In: Computer Science
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#define MAX_LINE 80 /* 80 chars per line, per command */
#define DELIMITERS " \t\n\v\f\r"
* Function: init_args
* ----------------------------
* Initialize args, i.e., making all of its content NULL
* args: the array to initialize
void init_args(char *args[]) {
for(size_t i = 0; i != MAX_LINE / 2 + 1; ++i) {
args[i] = NULL;
* Function: init_command
* ----------------------------
* Initialize command, i.e., making it an empty string
* command: the string to initialize
void init_command(char *command) {
strcpy(command, "");
* Function: refresh_args
* ----------------------------
* Refresh the content of args, i.e., free old content and set to NULL
* args: the array to refresh
void refresh_args(char *args[]) {
while(*args) {
free(*args); // to avoid memory leaks
*args++ = NULL;
* Function: parse_input
* ----------------------------
* Parse input and store arguments
* args: the array to put arguments
* command: the input command
* returns: the number of arguments
size_t parse_input(char *args[], char *original_command) {
size_t num = 0;
char command[MAX_LINE + 1];
strcpy(command, original_command); // make a copy since `strtok` will modify it
char *token = strtok(command, DELIMITERS);
while(token != NULL) {
args[num] = malloc(strlen(token) + 1);
strcpy(args[num], token);
token = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS);
return num;
* Function: get_input
* ----------------------------
* Get command from input of history
* command: last command
* returns: success or not
int get_input(char *command) {
char input_buffer[MAX_LINE + 1];
if(fgets(input_buffer, MAX_LINE + 1, stdin) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read input!\n");
return 0;
if(strncmp(input_buffer, "!!", 2) == 0) {
if(strlen(command) == 0) { // no history yet
fprintf(stderr, "No history available yet!\n");
return 0;
printf("%s", command); // keep the command unchanged and print it
return 1;
strcpy(command, input_buffer); // update the command
return 1;
* Function: check_ampersand
* ----------------------------
* Check whether an ampersand (&) is in the end of args. If so, remove it
* from args and possibly reduce the size of args.
* args: the array to check
* size: the pointer to array size
* returns: whether an ampersand is in the end
int check_ampersand(char **args, size_t *size) {
size_t len = strlen(args[*size - 1]);
if(args[*size - 1][len - 1] != '&') {
return 0;
if(len == 1) { // remove this argument if it only contains '&'
free(args[*size - 1]);
args[*size - 1] = NULL;
--(*size); // reduce its size
} else {
args[*size - 1][len - 1] = '\0';
return 1;
* Function: check_redirection
* ----------------------------
* Check the redirection tokens in arguments and remove such tokens.
* args: arguments list
* size: the number of arguments
* input_file: file name for input
* output_file: file name for output
* returns: IO flag (bit 1 for output, bit 0 for input)
unsigned check_redirection(char **args, size_t *size, char **input_file, char **output_file) {
unsigned flag = 0;
size_t to_remove[4], remove_cnt = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i != *size; ++i) {
if(remove_cnt >= 4) {
if(strcmp("<", args[i]) == 0) { // input
to_remove[remove_cnt++] = i;
if(i == (*size) - 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "No input file provided!\n");
flag |= 1;
*input_file = args[i + 1];
to_remove[remove_cnt++] = ++i;
} else if(strcmp(">", args[i]) == 0) { // output
to_remove[remove_cnt++] = i;
if(i == (*size) - 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "No output file provided!\n");
flag |= 2;
*output_file = args[i + 1];
to_remove[remove_cnt++] = ++i;
/* Remove I/O indicators and filenames from arguments */
for(int i = remove_cnt - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
size_t pos = to_remove[i]; // the index of arg to remove
// printf("%lu %s\n", pos, args[pos]);
while(pos != *size) {
args[pos] = args[pos + 1];
return flag;
* Function: redirect_io
* ----------------------------
* Open files and redirect I/O.
* io_flag: the flag for IO redirection (bit 1 for output, bit 0 for input)
* input_file: file name for input
* output_file: file name for output
* input_decs: file descriptor of input file
* output_decs: file descriptor of output file
* returns: success or not
int redirect_io(unsigned io_flag, char *input_file, char *output_file, int *input_desc, int *output_desc) {
// printf("IO flag: %u\n", io_flag);
if(io_flag & 2) { // redirecting output
*output_desc = open(output_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 644);
if(*output_desc < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open the output file: %s\n", output_file);
return 0;
// printf("Output To: %s %d\n", output_file, *output_desc);
dup2(*output_desc, STDOUT_FILENO);
if(io_flag & 1) { // redirecting input
*input_desc = open(input_file, O_RDONLY, 0644);
if(*input_desc < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open the input file: %s\n", input_file);
return 0;
// printf("Input from: %s %d\n", input_file, *input_desc);
dup2(*input_desc, STDIN_FILENO);
return 1;
* Function: close_file
* ----------------------------
* Close files for input and output.
* io_flag: the flag for IO redirection (bit 1 for output, bit 0 for input)
* input_decs: file descriptor of input file
* output_decs: file descriptor of output file
* returns: void
void close_file(unsigned io_flag, int input_desc, int output_desc) {
if(io_flag & 2) {
if(io_flag & 1) {
* Function: detect_pipe
* ----------------------------
* Detect the pipe '|' and split aruguments into two parts accordingly.
* args: arguments list for the first command
* args_num: number of arguments for the first command
* args2: arguments list for the second command
* args_num2: number of arguments for the second command
* returns: void
void detect_pipe(char **args, size_t *args_num, char ***args2, size_t *args_num2) {
for(size_t i = 0; i != *args_num; ++i) {
if (strcmp(args[i], "|") == 0) {
args[i] = NULL;
*args_num2 = *args_num - i - 1;
*args_num = i;
*args2 = args + i + 1;
* Function: run_command
* ----------------------------
* Run the command.
* args: arguments list
* args_num: number of arguments
* returns: success or not
int run_command(char **args, size_t args_num) {
/* Detect '&' to determine whether to run concurrently */
int run_concurrently = check_ampersand(args, &args_num);
/* Detect pipe */
char **args2;
size_t args_num2 = 0;
detect_pipe(args, &args_num, &args2, &args_num2);
/* Create a child process and execute the command */
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid < 0) { // fork failed
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to fork!\n");
return 0;
} else if (pid == 0) { // child process
if(args_num2 != 0) { // pipe
/* Create pipe */
int fd[2];
/* Fork into another two processes */
pid_t pid2 = fork();
if(pid2 > 0) { // child process for the second command
/* Redirect I/O */
char *input_file, *output_file;
int input_desc, output_desc;
unsigned io_flag = check_redirection(args2, &args_num2, &input_file, &output_file); // bit 1 for output, bit 0 for input
io_flag &= 2; // disable input redirection
if(redirect_io(io_flag, input_file, output_file, &input_desc, &output_desc) == 0) {
return 0;
dup2(fd[0], STDIN_FILENO);
wait(NULL); // wait for the first command to finish
execvp(args2[0], args2);
close_file(io_flag, input_desc, output_desc);
} else if(pid2 == 0) { // grandchild process for the first command
/* Redirect I/O */
char *input_file, *output_file;
int input_desc, output_desc;
unsigned io_flag = check_redirection(args, &args_num, &input_file, &output_file); // bit 1 for output, bit 0 for input
io_flag &= 1; // disable output redirection
if(redirect_io(io_flag, input_file, output_file, &input_desc, &output_desc) == 0) {
return 0;
dup2(fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
execvp(args[0], args);
close_file(io_flag, input_desc, output_desc);
} else { // no pipe
/* Redirect I/O */
char *input_file, *output_file;
int input_desc, output_desc;
unsigned io_flag = check_redirection(args, &args_num, &input_file, &output_file); // bit 1 for output, bit 0 for input
if(redirect_io(io_flag, input_file, output_file, &input_desc, &output_desc) == 0) {
return 0;
execvp(args[0], args);
close_file(io_flag, input_desc, output_desc);
} else { // parent process
if(!run_concurrently) { // parent and child run concurrently
return 1;
int main(void) {
char *args[MAX_LINE / 2 + 1]; /* command line (of 80) has max of 40 arguments */
char command[MAX_LINE + 1];
while (1) {
/* Make args empty before parsing */
/* Get input and parse it */
if(!get_input(command)) {
size_t args_num = parse_input(args, command);
/* Continue or exit */
if(args_num == 0) { // empty input
printf("Please enter the command! (or type \"exit\" to exit)\n");
if(strcmp(args[0], "exit") == 0) {
/* Run command */
run_command(args, args_num);
refresh_args(args); // to avoid memory leaks!
return 0;