
In: Finance

Question 2 (20 marks) You must evaluate a proposal to buy a new milling machine with...

Question 2

You must evaluate a proposal to buy a new milling machine with purchase price of $150,000. The machine will be depreciated to zero value over the 4 years using prime cost (straight line) method. The machine would be sold after 4 years for $70,000.

Inventory will increase by $17,000 and account payables will rise by $7,500. All other working capital components will stay the same, so the change in net working capital is $9,500. The managers expect to fully recover the working capital of $9,500 at the end of the project (year 4).

The pretax labor costs would decline by $50,000 per year.

Below shows the forecasted sales revenues, variable cost and fixed cost.

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Sales quantity (units)





Selling price per unit





Fixed cost of production (per year)





Variable cost of production (per unit)





The marginal tax rate is 35% and the discount rate is 10.5%.

  1. What is the net present value (NPV) of the proposal?                                


  1. Advise should the project be accepted based on your answer in part (i)?     


Expert Solution

Calculation of depreciation:
Purchase price of machine $     150,000
Life in years 4
Depreciation per year $       37,500
Tax rate 35%
Tax shield on depreciation $       13,125
Since, depreciation is a non cash item, so we need to consider only the tax benefit on depreciation expense
Calculation of tax on sale of machine
Purchase price of machine $     150,000
Life in years 4
Depreciation for 4 years $     150,000
Book value after 4 years $               -  
Sale value $       70,000
Profit on sale $       70,000
Tax rate 35%
Tax on profit $       24,500

Calculation of NPV

Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Purchase price of machine $    (150,000)
Sales quantity (units)          2,500          3,000          3,500          4,000
Selling price per unit $        3.00 $        3.10 $        3.20 $        3.30
Variable cost of production (per unit) $        1.10 $        1.20 $        1.25 $        1.35
Total sales $      7,500 $      9,300 $    11,200 $    13,200
Total variable cost $    (2,750) $    (3,600) $    (4,375) $    (5,400)
Fixed cost of production (per year) $    (2,000) $    (2,100) $    (2,200) $    (2,300)
Savings in labor costs $    50,000 $    50,000 $    50,000 $    50,000
Change in operating income $    52,750 $    53,600 $    54,625 $    55,500
Tax @ 35% $ (18,463) $ (18,760) $ (19,119) $ (19,425)
After tax cash flows $    (150,000) $    34,288 $    34,840 $    35,506 $    36,075
Inventory Increase $      (17,000) $    17,000
Accounts payable $         7,500 $    (7,500)
Depreciation tax shield $    13,125 $    13,125 $    13,125 $    13,125
Sale value after 4 years $    70,000
Tax on profit of sale of machine $ (24,500)
Total cash flows $    (159,500) $    47,413 $    47,965 $    48,631 $ 104,200
Discounting factor @10.5%           1.0000        0.9050        0.8190        0.7412        0.6707
Present values $    (159,500) $    42,907 $    39,283 $    36,044 $    69,891
Net present value (NPV) $       28,624

Note:Decline in labor costs is considered as inflow.

Since the net present value of the proposal is postive, so the proposal can be accepted.

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