
In: Nursing

Jane is a 25-year-old who returns to the office with additional questions after being seen yesterday....

Jane is a 25-year-old who returns to the office with additional questions after being seen yesterday. She is breastfeeding 4-week-old Harrison and she was diagnosed with mastitis. She is nervous about taking the amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin) she was prescribed. She wants to know if it is safe for Harrison who is fully breastfed. Harrison is nursing every 2 to 3 hours and gaining weight well.

What reassurance can you offer Jane?

Where can you find evidence-based information regarding the safety of medications for breastfeeding mothers?

What education can you offer Jane about the potential side effects of Augmentin to Harrison?

Explain the importance of the “Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Rule” that is found on all prescription drugs.


Expert Solution

1)What reassurance can you offer Jane?

Although augmentin is safe while breast feeding, a small amount may be excreted through breast milk.In this scenario,it is better to reassure the patient that it is important to control the infection(mastitis).Therefore, augment is necessary to take.

2)Where can you find evidence-based information regarding the safety of medications for breastfeeding mothers?

There are certain websites such as breastfeeding and medication online, available to find out the evidence based information regarding drug safety during lactation.

3)What education can you offer Jane about the potential side effects of Augmentin to Harrison?

Adverse reactions are uncommon.Sometimes,rash,diarrhea, restlessness may occur.Other side effects are feeding difficulty,diaper rash,weight change and jaundice.

4)Explain the importance of the “Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Rule” that is found on all prescription drugs.

The food and drug administration requires the removal of the pregnancy categories A,B,C,D and X from all human prescriptions and biological product labeling.The labeling should include summary of the risks during pregnancy and lactation,discussion of data supporting summary and relevant information for prescription and counseling for pregnant and lactating mothers and risk and benefits of the drugs.

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