
In: Nursing

Case study 3 L.G   is a 5 year old boy who is being seen in the...

Case study 3

L.G   is a 5 year old boy who is being seen in the pediatric clinic for a yearly physical:

Subjective Data:

Patient is accomplished by parient(mother)

Mother states child takes no medication and is healthy

Patient attends preschool

Plays T-ball

No smokers in the house

Lives with mother and father

Objective Data:

Vital signs: T 37, P 124, R 12, BP 104/64

Weight : 35lb

HT 52 inches

Immunization: up to date


1. What should the nurse include in the general inspection of this patient?

2. what observation are important regarding physical appearance and hygiene?

3. What baseline indicators are necessary for this patient/

4. Are the vital signs within normal limits? Why or why not?

5. How should a 5 years old be assessed?

6. What teaching is appropriate for this age group?


Expert Solution

1.The general inspection should involve

  • Height and weight and calculate BMIof the child in anthropometric measurements
  • General appearance ,vision, hearing,tooth,social and behavioural development
  • Neurological examination by level of awareness and behaviour ,night mares,
  • Gastrointestinal examination for bowel movement ,eating habits
  • Musculoskeletal examination for any anamolies
  • Skin for any infections

2.The physical appearance of the child at this age is similar to their parents.They should by a th right right percentile in the growth factor

Hygiene is a more concern at this age.They rarely try to wash hands,being notorious while brushing teeth,whether trying to maintain  cleanliness as per parents instruction

3.The base line indicators for a preschool child are

  • Index of the quality of care and education program
  • Child's language development and academic performance
  • Social involvement by interaction with other children and with opposite gender

4.His heart rate is little elevated(80_120 beats/min) can be a warning and late sign for cardiac collage and decreased respiratory (20_28breath/min) rate being a warning late sign of respiratory distress

5.The child as to be assessed for physical,mental and motor development ,system wise to assessment to rule out any major problems associated with physical growth.

6.The following teaching are necessary for this age groups are

  • Toilet training and good bathroom habits
  • A sleep of 10_11 hours is essential for these kids as they don't sleep in day time
  • Schedule a good eating habits timely and adhere to it
  • To maintain dental hygiene and regular dental check up
  • Physical activities can be allowed in outdoor
  • Do not encourage child to use mobile or screens for longer time while playing indoor games
  • Bring practicing and completing home works daily
  • Teach simple safety practices like while handling water,playing with the other toddlers,using stairs.

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