
In: Nursing

The patient has changed his eating habits over the past 6 months. He started to control...

The patient has changed his eating habits over the past 6 months. He started to control the amount of calories he consumed and kept it below 3000 kcal/day. He got a membership at the local gym, but due to his busy schedule he wasn’t been able to spend much time working out and expresses that he “maybe goes once a week”. Four weeks ago he started a “fad diet” to help him lose more weight. He is 26 years old now, his blood pressure is 125/76, he weighs 200lb, he is 5'9" and his waist circumference is 40in. He recorded what he ate during the last 2 weeks and these are the results: 2700 kcal/day (total daily intake), 1000 kcal from lipids, 1200 kcal from protein and 500 kcal from carbohydrates. *show work for calculations for partial credit

  1. List 2 positive things about his current diet and explain how you came to that conclusion. Provide quantitative data to support your conclusion.
  2. What problem could he encounter due to the amount of carbohydrates he is consuming? Explain and Provide quantitative data to support your conclusion.
  3. What negative effects could you expect based on the amount of protein he consumes? Explain and provide quantitative data to support your conclusion.
  4. Do you think there have been changes in the way he metabolizes lipids since he started the diet? What kind of changes? Explain.
  5. Which “fad diet” do you think he is currently on? Explain and provide quantitative data to support your conclusion.


Expert Solution

Fad diet typically promise rapid weight loss and other health benefits, yet often have no scientific evidence supporting their use. In addition, they are often nutritionally unbalanced and ineffective over the long term.

Required calories for patient is:

BEE = 66.5 + 13.8(W) + 5.0(H) - 6.8(A)

where weight = 90.7 kg, height = 175 cm, age 26 years

BEE= 66.5 + 13.8* 90.7 KG+ 5*175 -6.8*26

BEE= 2016.5 CAL/DAY

total calories intake by patient: 2700kcal/day

fat: 1000/9 =111.1 gram

protein: 1200/4= 300gram/ day

carbohydrates: 500/4 = 125gram/day

ANSWER 1:  Advatnages of fad diets are:

  • Promote loses weight:  diet may help promote weight loss in several ways, including boosting metabolism and reducing appetite. Diets consist of foods that fill a person up and may reduce hunger-stimulating hormones.
  • May improve heart health: When a person follows the fad diet, it is important that they choose healthful foods. Some evidence shows that eating healthful fats, such as avocados instead of less healthy fats, such as pork rinds, can help improve heart health by reducing cholesterol.
  • May protect the brain function:ketones that generate during the fad diet provide neuroprotective benefits, which means they can strengthen and protect the brain and nerve cells.

ANSWER 2: Problems that can be result from taking low carbohydrate diet can be;

  • Normally 45- 65% of carbohydrates from total calories is required. If client is taking less carbohydrates then it can lead to metabolic changes, which may be dangerous for some people, such as those with diabetes.
  • When you don’t get enough carbohydrates, the level of sugar in your blood may drop to below the normal range (70-99 mg/dL), causing hypoglycemia.
  • It will leads to ketosis. Symptoms such as Mental fatigue, Bad breath nausea, and headache, Painful swelling of the joints and kidney stones in severe ketosis.
  • Bowel problems – restricted intake of antioxidants and fibre from fruits and vegetables can increase a person’s risk of constipation.
  • High cholesterol, abdominal obesity and obesity-related disorders – diets that are high in protein and fats are associated with a number of conditions, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
  • Dieting problems – such as the ‘yoyo’ effect where people lose and regain weight many times over a long period of time, rather than sustaining weight loss

ANSWER 3: Negative impact on health while taking less protien intake are:

  • Muscle weakness or muscle wasting Middle-aged men may experience sarcopenia, a natural loss of muscle mass due to aging, and they may lose even more muscle if they’re not getting enough protein in their daily diets.

  • Swelling When your body is lacking protein, you can suffer a condition called edema; in short, you balloon in your extremeties because of fluid retention.

  • Low blood pressure and low heart rate When you have a protein deficiency, your body’s blood proteins (thus, your blood’s thickness and stickiness) and blood pressure plummet.

  • Nutrient malabsorption If you’re not eating enough protein sources, like red meat, your body can have a hard time getting and absorbing nutrients such as niacin, iron, zinc, and calcium.

  • Anemia If your body isn’t properly nourished by protein, you’re prone to lack vitamin B-12 and folate, which can spur anemia—a condition where your body doesn’t produce enough red blood cells. This can also cause low blood pressure and fatigue.

ANSWER 4:  YES, there will be changes in metabolism of lipids after taking this diet. Due to less intake of protien and carbojydrate intake the metabloism shifts to fat metablism and generates KETOSIS.

Other hormonal changes may contribute to the increased breakdown of fats that result in fatty acids. Fatty acids are metabolized to acetoacetate which is later converted to beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetone. These are the basic ketone bodies that accumulate in the body as a ketogenic diet is sustained.

. The nutritional ketosis state is considered quite safe, as ketone bodies are produced in small concentrations without any alterations in blood pH. It greatly differs from ketoacidosis, a life-threatening condition where ketone bodies are produced in extremely larger concentrations, altering blood ph to acidotic a state.

ANSWER 5: Here are eight “fad” diets that actually work.

Patient is on KETOGENIC DIET.

  • It works by lowering levels of insulin and shifting your primary fuel source from sugar to ketones. These compounds are made from fatty acids, and your brain and other organs can burn them for energy.
  • When your body doesn’t have carbs to burn and switches to ketones, you’re in a state called ketosis.
  • This was significantly more than the low-fat group, even though both groups were calorie-restricted

As mentioned above, client is taking 111.1 gm of fat which is higher than normal intake, and low carbohydrate and low protien diet.

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