
In: Statistics and Probability

What type of SPSS test would you do to prove or disprove the hypothesis "People in...

What type of SPSS test would you do to prove or disprove the hypothesis "People in a relationship are happier than those who are not?"


Expert Solution

case 1:

independent variable -> relationship. this is measured by the nominal scale of measurement. the has two categories namely yes and no. these two groups are not related to each other.

dependent variable -> happiness. this is measured by the ratio scale of measurement.

T-test for independent samples will be used to test if there is a significant difference in the mean happiness between those in a relationship and those who are not.

Ho: there is no significant difference in the mean happiness between those in a relationship and those who are not.
V/s h1: there is a significant difference in the mean happiness between those in a relationship and those who are not.

case 2:

independent variable -> relationship. this is measured by the nominal scale of measurement. the has two categories namely yes and no. these two groups are not related to each other.

dependent variable -> happiness. this is measured by the ordinal scale of measurement.

Chi-square of independence will be used to test if there is a significant difference in the happiness level and relationship status.

Ho: there is no significant difference in the happiness level and relationship status.
V/s h1: there is a significant difference in the happiness level and relationship status.

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