
In: Economics

Incremental Decision Making: This is when policies are changed a little at a time to include...

Incremental Decision Making: This is when policies are changed a little at a time to include ongoing comparisons between the current state of affairs and close alternatives, it makes marginal improvements to existing policies and is least disruptive and is more likely to obtain a consensus. This model consists of 1. Marginal adjustments 2. Limited consideration of alternatives and consequences 3. Adjustment of objectives to policies 4. Reconstruction and sequential treatment of data. A disadvantage of this model is that some consider this approach procrastination

How do you think decision making in the real world of health care reflects, or differs from this model?


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As the policies have some minor and minimal possible changes by getting the feedbacks from the executive officers and may be legislatures. It can directly be amended as incremental bill policy.

incremental method says to find one best way and stops the search after finding an alternate way which is supposed to work for the requirement.

Rational model follows the pattern of unconscious neglect and inaction, it is ideal in organisational decesion making.

Rational decesion making model has biased system at central level.

and incremnetal deceison making favour and biased towards representatives.

rational model doesnot favours contribution by the any community and societies, other hand incremental decesion has their support for proper participation in deceison making.

2. policy analysis is helps decesion makers to know how policy is going to help for what policy is designed for, it the technique in which to analyse the effect of the policy on different aspects like economic, environmental on society and other influencial factors.

the legislative administration does the job of policy analysis for any policy decesion, they are assigned this job by the department according to their expertise in the field and their academic level and experience.

purpose of policy analysis is to detect its various effects on the factors for actually it was developed for, the benifit and the side effects must be analysed in advance before the policy implementation.

3.Helps in finding and analysis of clear objective of the policy.

It helps in finding that whether policy will work as it was intended and thought.

to get all the resources required to implement the policy

helps in providing need skills and work force for the same.

4.A person assigned from the public administration or govt can do the policy analysis , a leader and a authority who understands the subject can be assigned to do the policyanalysis.

there are 3 approaches one can follow :

analysis centric: it works on individual levels and small problems and helps in finding their solution.

the policy process: helps in the policies related to political processes and stakeholders.

meta policy approach :this approach is for macro level and broad scopes also it gives solutions which are more complex and structural.

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