In: Nursing
Ken Washington, a 61-year-old male patient, arrived today for a follow-up visit from a recent hospitalization for a stroke. Up until this hospitalization, he has had no major health issues. He now has weakness in his left arm and his speech is difficult to understand. His wife tells you that she has noticed some blood in the toilet after he urinates. She also tells you that he has had some pain when he urinates and often only urinates a small amount. Dr. Buckwalter would like for you to obtain a urine sample for a reagent test and have Ken collect a 24-hour urine sample for analysis.
Discussion Questions:
1. What instructions will you give Ken in collecting the urine sample for reagent testing?
2. What tests are included in a reagent test?
3. Describe the instructions you will need to give Ken regarding his 24-hour urine collection.
Please answer all 3 questions separately. Thank you!!
1. Do not allow any part of the body to touch the rim or inside of the container.
2. Do not completely fill container. Testing can be performed on a small urine sample.
3. When the specimen is collecting, label the container with your name, date and time of collection, and refrigerate immediately.
4. Open the sterile specimen collection cup without touching the rim, inside of cup or inner surface of the cup lid.
5. Wash hands with soap and water. Dry hands.
6. Retract the foreskin and thoroughly wash the end of the reproductive organ using a sterile moist towelette or washcloth soaked in soapy water. Rinse with clear water.
7. Begin urinating into the toilet.
8. After the urine stream is well established, and without interrupting the urine flow, move the sterile container into the path of the stream to "catch" the urine.
9. Collect the urine until the container is approximately half full (or until flow of urine decreases substantially) and then finish voiding into toilet.
10. Cover the urine
container immediately with the lid being careful not to touch the
inside of
the container or the inside of the lid.
11. Transfer urine to specimen tube if tubes are used for transport instead of urine containers.
12. Attach label to tube or container and place specimen in the transport bag.
13. Remove gloves and wash hands.
14. Record date and time
of collection and initials of the person collecting (or submitting)
specimen on the specimen container. Transport specimen to the
Laboratory within 2
hours of collection or refrigerate and transport to the lab as soon
as possible.
· Liebermann reagent
· Mandelin reagent
· Marquis reagent
· Mecke reagent
· Simon's reagent
· Folin's reagent
· Froehde reagent
Ø You should collect every drop of urine during each 24-hour period. It does not matter how much or little urine is passed each time, as long as every drop is collected.
Ø Begin the urine collection in the morning after you wake up, after you have emptied your bladder for the first time.
Ø Urinate (empty the bladder) for the first time and flush it down the toilet. Note the exact time .You will begin the urine collection at this time.
Ø Collect every drop of urine during the day and night in an empty collection bottle. Store the bottle at room temperature or in the refrigerator.
Ø If you need to have a bowel movement, any urine passed with the bowel movement should be collected. Try not to include feces with the urine collection. If feces does get mixed in, do not try to remove the feces from the urine collection bottle.
Ø Finish by collecting the first urine passed the next morning, adding it to the collection bottle. This should be within ten minutes before or after the time of the first morning void on the first day (which was flushed). In this example, you would try to void between 6:05 and 6:25 on the second day.
Ø If you need to urinate one hour before the final collection time, drink a full glass of water so that you can void again at the appropriate time. If you have to urinate 20 minutes before, try to hold the urine until the proper time.
Ø Please note the exact time of the final collection, even if it is not the same time as when collection began on day 1.