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What are the 3 separate domains- perspectives on consumer behavior and why is it important to...

What are the 3 separate domains- perspectives on consumer behavior and why is it important to understand the primary driver of decision making? Be specific, clear and concise.


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The three separate domain- perspectives on consumer behavior are mentioned below:

1. The Decision Making perspective: This perspective describes the way and process consumer generally use to buy a product which is generally in a series where the consumer is facing a problem and by following some steps the problem is resolved. It includes steps like recognizing the problem, searching the information, Evaluating its alternatives, final decision of purchasing the product and the last one behavior after purchasing the product. So this perspective helps in determining the process followed to purchase the product by the consumer.

2. The Experiential perspective: It describes that not all the consumers are rational in nature to make decision in a logical manner whether to buy the product or not. Sometimes they buy product just to taste or use the new things; Sometimes just for fun or depending on their mood. So it describes that not all consumers are analyzer.

3. The Behavioral Influence Perspective: It describes the consumers which are buying the product due to the conditions prevailing in the nearby environment which forces them to buy the product, irrespective of analyzing the product.  

It is important to know the primary driver of decision making so as to analyse the need which is prevailing and get the solutions to purchase the product.

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