
In: Finance

This week we will learn about the "They Say I Say" thesis statement. You will use...

This week we will learn about the "They Say I Say" thesis statement. You will use this type of thesis statement in your essay writing. This type of statement allows you to establish a place within the conversation of the subject rather then simply just present your view. It requires that you combine your prior knowledge with other's views and can established a thoughtful, educated and credible argument. You have been preparing for this with your prior active reading and listening. All you need now is a better understanding on the "They Say I Say" thesis so you can formulate your argument into the "They Say I Say" format.

Read from the text book They Say I Say, pages: 19-29 and 53-66 to learn the basics. Pay special attention to the templates in each section. The most important thing in these readings is to finish the reading and answer the 3 following questions so you know what each section is teaching.

Answer with 1-3 sentences for each question.

  1. Who is the "they say" ?
  2. Who is the "I say" ?
  3. How do you write a good "They Say I Say" thesis? Attempt to write one.

If you do not understand the answers to the three questions above after completing the reading; read it again until you do. Understanding theses terms is crucial for writing essays all semester.


Expert Solution

1. The 'They say' implies the point of view or the opinion of the others. It is used when the opinion of others is being presented or discussed.

2. The 'I say' is used when the writer (in this case the student) has to express his/her opinion about the point of view of others and his/her agreement or disagreement about that.

3. To write a good 'They say I say' thesis, the writer has to read the other person's point of view and understand it. This has to be analysed and then connected with what the writer wants to say about the topic. It could be in agreement or disagreement with the other person's point of view. It helps in interconnecting two thoughts and then explaining the interconnection.

For example: It has been observed since a long time in many research studies that the Asian consumers are mostly price-conscious. But it can now be seen from the present scenario that they are also becoming quality conscious. This change can be attributed to the improvement in the economic condition of the people in these regions.

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