What is the the main intuition behind the Maximum Likelihood
estimation method. Is there any connection...
What is the the main intuition behind the Maximum Likelihood
estimation method. Is there any connection between Maximum
Likelihood Estimation and the Generalized Methods of Moments?
Carefully motivate your answer.
Econometrics Question:
Discuss the intuition behind the maximum likelihood estimator.
Discuss what, if any, desirable properties the maximum likelihood
estimator posseses.
9.3 Use method of moments and method of maximum
likelihood to estimate
A) parameters a and b is a sample from Uniform(a, b)
distribution is observed
B) parameter λ if a sample from Exponential(λ) distribution is
C) Parameter μ if a sample from Neutral (μ, σ)
distribution is observed, and we already know σ
D) Parameter σ if a sample from Neutral (μ, σ)
distribution is observed, and we already know μ
E) Parameter μ and σ if a...
Question 1
Describe briefly the three hypothesis testing procedures that
are available under maximum likelihood estimation. Which is likely
to be calculated in practice and why?
What stylized fact of financial data cannot be explained using
linear trend models? ( 10 marks)
Which of these features can be modelled using a GARCH (1,1)
process? ( 10 marks)
(a) Discuss briefly the principles behind maximum
(b) Describe briefly the three hypothesis testing procedures that
are available
under maximum likelihood estimation. Which is likely to be the
to calculate in practice, and why?
(c) OLS and maximum likelihood are used to estimate the parameters
of a
standard linear regression model. Will they give the same
Explain your answer.
What are the main sources of bias in regression analysis as it
relates to model estimation and specification? What can be done to
address each form of bias w/ an emphasis on the advantages and
disadvantages of each approach, if applicable?What can be done to
address each form of bias w/ an emphasis on the advantages and
disadvantages of each approach, if applicable?
suppose y has a normal distribution with mean=0 and var=theta.
a) what is the maximum likelihood estimator (mle) for
b) show that the mle is unbiased for theta OR show it is
biased and construct an unbiased estimator based on it