
In: Nursing

If a patient’s apical and peripheral pulse remains irregular, what would be the best plan of...

If a patient’s apical and peripheral pulse remains irregular, what would be the best plan of care?


Expert Solution

If a patients apical and peripheral pulse remains irregular ,what would be do?

Anxiety can raise the pulse Rate.

1. Perform hand hygiene before patient contact.

2 . veryfy the correct patient using two identifiers.

3. Assess the patient risk of factors for an abnormal radial pulse.

4. Assess the patient signs and symptoms of altered cardiac function.

5. Determine the patients previous baseline pulse line pulse rate from the patients record.

6. Encourage the patient to relax as much as possible.

7. If the patient has been active and his or her condition permits ,wait several minute before assessing the pulse.

8 . help the patient assume a supine position.

9. If the patient is supine ,place his or her forearm straight alongside the body or across the lower chest or upper abdomen with the wrist extend straight .if patient is sitting bend the elbow 90 degrees and support the lower arm on a chair or the nurse's arm .

10. Place the tips of the first two or three fingers over the groove along the radial ( or thumb) side the patient's inner wrist.slightly extend or flex the patients wrist with the palm down until the pulse is strongest.

11. Lightly compress the artery against the radius,obliterating the pulse initially,then case the pressure so the pulse become easily palpable.

12. Determine the strength of the pulse.

13. Assess ,treat , reassess pain.

When the apical pulse is lower than expected doctor will check for medication that may be affecting your heart rate .such medications include beta- blockers given for high blood pressure or anti- disrhythmic medications given for irregular heart beat.pulse deficit doctor finds That your apical pulse is irregular ,they'lol likely check for the presence of a pulse also request do electrocardiogram.

Electrocardiogram two people are needed to assess pulse deficit. One person measures the apical pulse while the other person measures a peripheral pulse,such as the one in your wrist.these pulse will be counted at the Dane time for one full time,with one person giving the signal to the other to start counting.

Once the pulse rates have been obtained ,the peripheral pulse rate is subtracted from the apical pulse rate. The apical pulse rate will never be lower than the peripheral pulse rate. The resulting number is the pulse deficit.normally,the two numbers would be the same,resulting in a difference of zero. However,when there's a difference,it's Called a pulse deficit.

The presence of pulse deficit indicates that there may be an issue with cardiac function or efficiency.when a pulse deficit is detected,it means that the volume of old pumped from the heart may not be sufficient to meet the needs of your body's tissues.

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