In: Nursing
social worker code of ethics has four sections, namely preamble, purpose of NASW code of ethics, Ethical principle,ethical standards. preamble mentions about social workers mission and core values whereas purpose of NASW code of ethcis gives outline of code's important function and guidelines in dealing with eithical issues in social worker practice, third one explains about broad ethical principles based on social worker core value, ethical standard explains about ethical standards to guide social worker contact.
1. ethcial priciples of social worker: it is based on social worker core values, justice, dignity and worth of the person and importance of the relationships, integrity,competence.
Ethical principle: social workers primary goal is to help people in need and to address social problems. social worker develops skills, knowledge in order to help people in need. social worker provides volunteer help to people without expecting nothing worker challenge social injustice. there are different form of social injustice which are discrimation, unemployement, poverty, financial help,rehabilitation , transportation, which are addressed by social worker.equally to all people who are different in culture, ethcial, financial diversity.
3.Social worker respect the inherent dignity and worth of the person: Social worker treats every human in respectful way. social worker helps people to improve their on capacity and satisfy their own need. social worker removes conflicts of people who are in different opinion or belief
4. social worker recognizes central importance of human worker involve all people in her community in order to increase, stabilize and enhance well being of all people, community, organizations worker behaves in a trusty worthy manner:social worker knows about her mission, values, ethical principle, ethical orker continue to work in her community in trustyworthy manner
6.Social worker practice with their areas of competence and develop and enhance their professional expertise
it is the responsibility of the social worker to increase knowledge and skill and which to be applied in community settings.
religious factors and social factors that affect social worker to follow prinicple of ethics. each individual is from diffrirent cultures and religion. social worker responds to each cultural and belief because community has multicultural people. each has their on belief and values. social worker adherent to ethical priciples and respect to human culture, value, beliefs. an individual from diffrent cultural and belief willnot particple in social gathering. this may be hard task for social work to bring them and involve in gathering with respect. social worker has to be involved in community along ith diffrenent cultural and beliefs.