
In: Computer Science

Please can I get a flowchart and pseudocode for this java code. Thank you. import...

Please can I get a flowchart and pseudocode for this java code. Thank you.

import java.util.Scanner; ;//import Scanner to take input from user
public class TestScore {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws ScoreException {//main method may throw Score exception
       int [] arr = new int [5]; //creating an integer array for student id
       arr[0] = 20025; //assigning id for each student
       arr[1] = 20026;
       arr[2] = 20027;
       arr[3] = 20031;
       arr[4] = 20024;
       int [] stuScore = new int[arr.length]; //Creating an array of stuScore to store each stu score
       Scanner sc = new Scanner (; //Initializing Scanner input
       for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {//iterating through each student
       System.out.print("enter score for stu id " + arr[i] + ":");//prompting user to enter score
       try {
       stuScore[i] = sc.nextInt();//taking user input
       if (stuScore[i] <= 0) {//if student score is less than or equal to 0
       //throwing Score exception
       throw new ScoreException(
       "Score cannot be negative, so we are assigning 0 by default to your score");

catch (ScoreException e) {
       System.out.println(e.getMessage());//print only the message

       stuScore[i] = 0; //assign the value to 0
       for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
       System.out.println("stu id =" + arr[i] + " score for stu:" + stuScore[i]); //printing stu id and their corresponding score

public class ScoreException extends Exception {

   ScoreException (String s) {


Expert Solution


Step 1

Objective: We need to draw a flowchart and depict pseudocode for the given Java program. A flowchart, algorithm, or pseudocode should always be free from the syntax of any particular programming language. Hence, the overall processes are shown here.

Step 2



Step 1: Create an integer array, arr to store student id of capacity 5.

Step 2: Assign id for each student as,
arr[0] := 20025
arr[1] := 20026
arr[2] := 20027
arr[3] := 20031
arr[4] := 20024

Step 3: Creating an array, stuScore to store score for each student

Step 4: for i := 0 to arr.length, i++


Print a message to the user

Enter into the try block

Read a score and store in stuScore[i].

If stuScore[i] is less than or equal to 0 then,
throw ScoreException printing an error message

Assign stuScore[i] := 0
End if

End try block

End loop

Step 5: For int i := 0 to i arr.length, i++


Print stu id and score

End loop

Step 6: End

Step 3


Thank you.

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