In: Nursing
Research computer-controlled medication systems on the Internet. Describe aspects of at least two such systems that could actually foster medication errors, along with what procedures or protocols could help prevent such errors.
Automated Dispensing Cabinets(ADC) aids in storage,issuing and tracking of medications through a computer controlled process. Overall these systems has proved effective in reducing the errors related to drug administration and issuing to certain extent.
One feature of ADC that can foster medication error is related to patient profiling and over riding. If the ADC is not profiled to the pharmacy computer, possible medication errors can happen. Connecting the ADC to pharmacy computers updates the pharmacist with changes in the medication orders and let him/her to screen the order for patient safety(like incorrect drug dose, chances of anaphylatic reactions,containdications and wrong medication to wrong patient). Overriding the patient profiling feature in ADC in emergency circumstances can lead to serious consequences.Strict protocols to follow patient profiling and reveiwing patient's history of drug allergies and chances of interaction before overriding in case of emergency may prove helpful.
Another feature that can cause medication error is drug storage process. If there is no policy to ensure and veify that each cabinet contains the currect drug, it necessitates cross checking before issuing the drug from pharmacy. But this manual process of double checking may also lead to errors.mainly in case of LASA drugs(Look alike Sound alike drugs). Implementing barcoding system for medication cabinets can be a solution to such errors.