
In: Accounting

Please create a balance sheet,income statement, and cash flow statement for the calendar year for me...

Please create a balance sheet,income statement, and cash flow statement for the calendar year for me to run a gas station business, and you may make up your own numbers, just dont copy someone elses from the internet.


Expert Solution

America Gas Station

Income Statement





$ 8,452,110.00


Opening Stock

$ 1,000,447.00


$ 6,684,816.90

Freight Inwards

$       76,091.00

$ 7,761,354.90

Less: Closing Stock

$ 1,187,996.00

$ 6,573,358.90


$ 1,878,751.10


Accounting charges

$       24,000.00

Advertisement Exp

$       19,000.00

Bank Charges

$       29,810.00

Bank Interest

$       37,825.00

Cleaning Expenses

$       36,276.00

Conveyance Expenses

$       56,289.00

Electricity expenses

$       45,029.00

Legal Expenses

$       12,000.00

Misc Expenses

$       39,801.00

Printing Expenses

$       24,500.00

Repairs and maintanance

$       32,510.00

Round Off

$                0.34

Salary and Wages

$    650,000.00

Sales Promotion Expenses

$       36,720.00

Shop Expenses

$       33,911.00

Tea and beverages

$       31,724.00

Telephone and Mobile Expenses

$       23,740.00

Travelling Expenses

$       55,263.00

$ 1,188,398.34

Net Profit/(loss) trf. To Capital Account

$    690,352.76

Balance Sheet


Current Assets


$       202,032.44

    Accounts Receivable

$       201,546.00


$   1,187,996.00


$       212,776.00

Total Current Assets

$       1,804,350.44

Fixed Assets

     Equipment (Pumps)

$         50,000.00


$         40,000.00


$         50,000.00

Total Fixed Assets

$           140,000.00

Other Assets

      Intangible Assets

$         10,000.00

Total Other Assets

$             10,000.00

Total Assets

$       1,954,350.44


Current Liabilities

       Accounts Payable

$         19,873.00

       Accrued Expenses

$         80,000.00

       Unearned Revenue

$         70,829.00

Total Current Liabilities

$           170,702.00

Long term Liabilities

      Mortgages Payable

$       414,489.50

       Bonds Payable

$       100,000.00

Total Long Term Liabilities

$           514,489.50

Owner's Equity

     Common Stock

$       578,806.18

      Retained Earnings

$       690,352.76

Total Owners Equity

$       1,269,158.94

Total liabilities and Owner's equity

$       1,954,350.44

America Gas Station

Cash Flow Statement

Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Net Income

$ 690,352.76

Adjustments to reconcile Net Income to:

Decrease in receivables

$    39,885.94

Increase in Inventory


Decrease in accounts payable


$ (287,124.69)

Net Cash Flows from operating activities

$ 403,228.07

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Net cash Flows from Investing activities

$                   -  

Cash Flows from financing activities



Proceeds from Loan from Bank

$ 120,927.25

Net Cash Flows from Financing activities

$ (529,072.75)

Net Increase (decrease) in cash

$ (125,844.68)

Beginning cash balance

$ 327,877.12

Ending cash balance

$ 202,032.44

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