
In: Computer Science

C# windows application form. Create a base class to store characteristics about a loan. Include customer...

C# windows application form. Create a base class to store characteristics about a loan. Include customer details in the Loan base class such as name, loan number, and amount of loan. Define subclasses of auto loan and home loan. Include unique characteristics in the derived classes. For example you might include details about the specific auto in the auto loan class and details about the home in the home loan class. Create a presentation class to test your design by displaying information about both types of loans


Expert Solution

using System;

class Loan
   //data variables
   private string customerName;
   private int loanNumber;
   private double amount;
   public Loan(){}
   public Loan(string customerName,int loanNumber,double amount)
       this.customerName = customerName;
       this.loanNumber = loanNumber;
       this.amount = amount;
   public String CustomerName
       set{customerName = value;}
       get{return customerName;}
   public int LoanNumber
       set{loanNumber = value;}
       get{return loanNumber;}
   public double Amount
       set{amount = value;}
       get{return amount;}
class AutoLoan:Loan
   private int autoNumber;
   private String make;
   public AutoLoan(){}
   public AutoLoan(string customerName,int loanNumber,double amount,int autoNumber,String make):base(customerName,loanNumber,amount)
       this.autoNumber = autoNumber;
       this.make = make;
   public int AutoNumber
       set{autoNumber = value;}
       get{return autoNumber;}
   public String Make
       set{make = value;}
       get{return make;}
class HomeLoan:Loan
   private string homeAddress;
   public HomeLoan(){}
   public HomeLoan(string customerName,int loanNumber,double amount,string homeAddress): base(customerName,loanNumber,amount)
       this.homeAddress = homeAddress;
   public String HomeAddress
       set{homeAddress = value;}
       get{return homeAddress;}
public class Test
   public static void Main()
       Console.WriteLine("Enter Customer Name : ");
       string cname = Console.ReadLine();
       Console.WriteLine("Enter Loan Number : ");
       int lno = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
       Console.WriteLine("Enter Amount : ");
       double amount = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
       Console.WriteLine("Enter the type <1:Auto Loan 2: Home Loan>");
       int type = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
       if(type ==1)
       Console.WriteLine("Enter Auto Number : ");
       int autono = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
       Console.WriteLine("Enter make : ");
       string make = Console.ReadLine();
       AutoLoan al = new AutoLoan(cname,lno,amount,autono,make);
       Console.WriteLine("Auto Loan Details :"+al.CustomerName + "\nloan number :"+al.LoanNumber +"\nAmount :"+ al.Amount+"\nAuto Number :"+al.AutoNumber +"\nMake :"+al.Make);
       else if(type == 2)
       Console.WriteLine("Enter home address : ");
       string haddress = Console.ReadLine();
       HomeLoan hl = new HomeLoan(cname,lno,amount,haddress);
       Console.WriteLine("Home Loan Details :"+ "\ncustomer:"+hl.CustomerName + "\nloan number :"+hl.LoanNumber +"\nAmount :"+ hl.Amount+"\nHome address :"+ hl.HomeAddress);
       Console.WriteLine("Wrong type");


Enter Customer Name : John Smith
Enter Loan Number : 87655
Enter Amount : 12000
Enter the type  <1:Auto Loan  2: Home Loan>
Enter home address : #23,hillside,NJ
Home Loan  Details :

customer:John Smith loan number :87655 Amount :12000 Home address :#23,hillside,NJ

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