
In: Computer Science

Create a Java windows application to manage a list of stocks 1. Add a class Stock...

Create a Java windows application to manage a list of stocks

1. Add a class Stock with the following fields: companyName, pricePerShare, numberOfShares (currently owned)
and commission (this is the percent you pay a financial company when you purchase or sell stocks.

Add constructor, getters

and methods:
***purchaseShares (method that takes the number of shares purchased, updates the stock and return the cost of purchasing these shares make sure to include commission.
***sellShares (method that takes the number of shares to sell, updates the stock and return the $amount earned from the sell.
***getInvestmentAmount() is a method that returns the current value of your investments in that stock

Build the Frame layout design to allow a user to enter a stock, to save the stock to a file and to an arrayList as well.
When the program first start, check if the file exists and if so read all the stocks from the file and add them to the arrayList.

add a button to display all the stocks to a JTable

Add a necessary gui to purchase shares of the selected stock

Add necessary gui to sell shares of the selected stock

i use netbeans but i cant get it


Expert Solution

  1. package com.gwt.sample.stockexchange.client;  
  2. import;  
  3. import;  
  4. import;  
  5. import;  
  6. import;  
  7. import;  
  8. import;  
  9. import;  
  10. import;  
  11. import;  
  12. import;  
  13. import;  
  14. import;  
  15. import;  
  16. import java.util.ArrayList;  
  17. import;  
  18. import;  
  19. import;  
  20. import;  
  21. import java.util.Date;  
  22. /**
  23. * Entry point classes define <code>onModuleLoad()</code>.
  24. */  
  25. public class StockExchange implements EntryPoint {  
  26.       private VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel();  
  27.       private FlexTable stocksFlexTable = new FlexTable();  
  28.       private HorizontalPanel addPanel = new HorizontalPanel();  
  29.       private TextBox newSymbolTextBox = new TextBox();  
  30.       private Button addStockButton = new Button("Add");  
  31.       private Label lastUpdatedLabel = new Label();  
  32.       private ArrayList<String> stocks = new ArrayList<String>();  
  33.       private static final int REFRESH_INTERVAL = 5000; // m  
  34.     /**
  35.      * This is the entry point method.
  36.      */  
  37.     public void onModuleLoad() {  
  38.         stocksFlexTable.setText(0, 0, "Symbol");  
  39.         stocksFlexTable.setText(0, 1, "Price");  
  40.         stocksFlexTable.setText(0, 2, "Change");  
  41.         stocksFlexTable.setText(0, 3, "Remove");  
  42.      // Assemble Add Stock panel.  
  43.         addPanel.add(newSymbolTextBox);  
  44.         addPanel.add(addStockButton);  
  45.         // Assemble Main panel.  
  46.         mainPanel.add(stocksFlexTable);  
  47.         mainPanel.add(addPanel);  
  48.         mainPanel.add(lastUpdatedLabel);  
  49.      // Associate the Main panel with the HTML host page.  
  50.         RootPanel.get("stockList").add(mainPanel);  
  51.      // Move cursor focus to the input box.  
  52.         newSymbolTextBox.setFocus(true);  
  53.         // Setup timer to refresh list automatically.  
  54.           Timer refreshTimer = new Timer() {  
  55.             @Override  
  56.             public void run() {  
  57.               refreshWatchList();  
  58.             }  
  59.           };  
  60.           refreshTimer.scheduleRepeating(REFRESH_INTERVAL)  
  61.         // Listen for mouse events on the Add button.  
  62.         addStockButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {  
  63.           public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {  
  64.             addStock();  
  65.           }  
  66.         });  
  67.         // Listen for keyboard events in the input box.  
  68.           newSymbolTextBox.addKeyDownHandler(new KeyDownHandler() {  
  69.             public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) {  
  70.               if (event.getNativeKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) {  
  71.                 addStock();  
  72.               }  
  73.             }  
  74.           });  
  75.       }  
  76.       /**
  77.        * Add stock to FlexTable. Executed when the user clicks the addStockButton or
  78.        * presses enter in the newSymbolTextBox.
  79.        */  
  80.       private void addStock() {  
  81.           final String symbol = newSymbolTextBox.getText().toUpperCase().trim();  
  82.           newSymbolTextBox.setFocus(true);  
  83.           // Stock code must be between 1 and 10 chars that are numbers, letters, or dots.  
  84.           if (!symbol.matches("^[0-9A-Z\\.]{1,10}$")) {  
  85.             Window.alert("'" + symbol + "' is not a valid symbol.");  
  86.             newSymbolTextBox.selectAll();  
  87.             return;  
  88.           }  
  89.           newSymbolTextBox.setText("");  
  90.        // Don't add the stock if it's already in the table.  
  91.           if (stocks.contains(symbol))  
  92.             return;  
  93.        // Add the stock to the table.  
  94.           int row = stocksFlexTable.getRowCount();  
  95.           stocks.add(symbol);  
  96.           stocksFlexTable.setText(row, 0, symbol);  
  97.        // Add a button to remove this stock from the table.  
  98.           Button removeStockButton = new Button("x");  
  99.           removeStockButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {  
  100.             public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {  
  101.               int removedIndex = stocks.indexOf(symbol);  
  102.               stocks.remove(removedIndex);  
  103.               stocksFlexTable.removeRow(removedIndex + 1);  
  104.             }  
  105.           });  
  106.           stocksFlexTable.setWidget(row, 3, removeStockButton);  
  107.           // Get the stock price.  
  108.           refreshWatchList();  
  109.         }  
  110.       private void refreshWatchList() {  
  111.              final double MAX_PRICE = 100.0; // $100.00  
  112.              final double MAX_PRICE_CHANGE = 0.02; // +/- 2%  
  113.              StockPrice[] prices = new StockPrice[stocks.size()];  
  114.              for (int i = 0; i < stocks.size(); i++) {  
  115.                double price = Random.nextDouble() * MAX_PRICE;  
  116.                double change = price * MAX_PRICE_CHANGE  
  117.                    * (Random.nextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0);  
  118.                prices[i] = new StockPrice(stocks.get(i), price, change);  
  119.              }  
  120.              updateTable(prices);  
  121.             }  
  122.       private void updateTable(StockPrice[] prices) {  
  123.           for (int i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {  
  124.                 updateTable(prices[i]);  
  125.               }  
  126.         // Display timestamp showing last refresh.  
  127.           DateTimeFormat dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(  
  128.             DateTimeFormat.PredefinedFormat.DATE_TIME_MEDIUM);  
  129.           lastUpdatedLabel.setText("Last update : "   
  130.             + dateFormat.format(new Date()));  
  131.         }  
  132.       private void updateTable(StockPrice price) {  
  133.              // Make sure the stock is still in the stock table.  
  134.              if (!stocks.contains(price.getSymbol())) {  
  135.                return;  
  136.              }  
  137.              int row = stocks.indexOf(price.getSymbol()) + 1;  
  138.              // Format the data in the Price and Change fields.  
  139.              String priceText = NumberFormat.getFormat("#,##0.00").format(  
  140.                  price.getPrice());  
  141.              NumberFormat changeFormat = NumberFormat.getFormat("+#,##0.00;-#,##0.00");  
  142.              String changeText = changeFormat.format(price.getChange());  
  143.              String changePercentText = changeFormat.format(price.getChangePercent());  
  144.              // Populate the Price and Change fields with new data.  
  145.              stocksFlexTable.setText(row, 1, priceText);  
  146.              stocksFlexTable.setText(row, 2, changeText + " (" + changePercentText  
  147.                  + "%)");  
  148.             }  
  149. }

  1. package com.gwt.sample.stockexchange.client;  
  2. public class StockPrice {  
  3.   private String symbol;  
  4.   private double price;  
  5.   private double change;  
  6.   public StockPrice() {  
  7.   }  
  8.   public StockPrice(String symbol, double price, double change) {  
  9.     this.symbol = symbol;  
  10.     this.price = price;  
  11.     this.change = change;  
  12.   }  
  13.   public String getSymbol() {  
  14.     return this.symbol;  
  15.   }  
  16.   public double getPrice() {  
  17.     return this.price;  
  18.   }  
  19.   public double getChange() {  
  20.     return this.change;  
  21.   }  
  22.   public double getChangePercent() {  
  23.     return 10.0 * this.change / this.price;  
  24.   }  
  25.   public void setSymbol(String symbol) {  
  26.     this.symbol = symbol;  
  27.   }  
  28.   public void setPrice(double price) {  
  29.     this.price = price;  
  30.   }  
  31.   public void setChange(double change) {  
  32.     this.change = change;  
  33.   }  



  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
  2. <!--  
  3.   When updating your version of GWT, you should also update this DTD reference,  
  4.   so that your app can take advantage of the latest GWT module capabilities.  
  5. -->  
  6. <!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Google Inc.//DTD Google Web Toolkit 2.7.0//EN"  
  7.   "">  
  8. <module rename-to='stockexchange'>  
  9.   <!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff.  -->  
  10.   <inherits name=''/>  
  11.   <!-- Inherit the default GWT style sheet.  You can change   -->  
  12.   <!-- the theme of your GWT application by uncommenting    -->  
  13.   <!-- any one of the following lines. -->  
  14.   <inherits name=''/>  
  15.   <!-- <inherits name=''/> -->  
  16.   <!-- <inherits name=''/> -->  
  17.   <!-- <inherits name=''/>     -->  
  18.   <!-- Other module inherits   -->  
  19.   <!-- Specify the app entry point class.   -->  
  20.   <entry-point class='com.gwt.sample.stockexchange.client.StockExchange'/>  
  21.   <!-- Specify the paths for translatable code -->  
  22.   <source path='client'/>  
  23.   <source path='shared'/>  
  24.   <!-- allow Super Dev Mode -->  
  25.   <add-linker name="xsiframe"/>  
  26. </module>  

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