
In: Finance

Discuss relationship between various corporate activities and financial statements, components of each financial statements, accounting cycles....

Discuss relationship between various corporate activities and financial statements, components of each financial statements, accounting cycles. In addition to the summary, please consider incorporating implications of each topics on the investors' and/or creditors' use of financial statements.

review of accounting terminology, techniques, and information that financial managers and analysts can use to effectively evaluate an organization. Specifically, chapter 2 examines the four basic financial statements – the income statement, balance sheet, statement of retained earnings, and statement of cash flows. In addition to analyzing the statements, the meaning of the information contained within these statements is also examined. It is important to remember that while producing accounting information is important, in order to do a thorough analysis, the users must understand what this information is saying.


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Relationship between vaious Corporate Activities , Financial Statements Components and Accounting Cycle
S.No. Corporate activities Sub part of Activity Fiancial Statement Component of Fin. Statemnt
Balance Sheet Income Statement Cash Flow Statement
1 Raising Fund Equity Balance Sheet Change of Equity Financing Activity
Loan Balance Sheet Loans Financing Activity
2 Creating Asset/ Investment Balance Sheet Assets Investing Activity
3 Inventory Balance Sheet Assets Change in working Capital
4 Procurement Cash Balance sheet /Income statement - Trading and Profit & Loss Current Asset-Inventory Purchase Change in working Capital
Credit Current Liability- Creditor Change in working Capital
5 Sales Cash Current Asset- Debtor Sales Change in working Capital
Credit Change in working Capital
6 Expenses Cash Income statement - Trading and Profit & Loss If prepaid part of current assets Expenses Change in working Capital
Credit Expenses Change in working Capital
7 Charity Expenses Change in working Capital
8 Taxation Expenses Change in working Capital
9 Disputes Disclosures
10 Dividend etc Appropriation Account Investing Activity
Accounting Cycle
Accounting cycle is a process by which an organisation record transaction in books and prepare financial statement .
This cycle has following steps
1 Transaction Only monetary transaction are part of Accounting cycle.
2 Recording Transaction need to record as per accounting rules
3 Posting All transaction need to be reflect in relevant account i.e. Purchase , sales, Debtor, Creditor etc.
4 Trial Balance All Accounts need to be summarized for a specified period.
5 Finalization Adjustment entries and correction
6 Preparation of Financial statement Balance sheet, Income statement , Change in equity etc.
7 Checking & Auditing of Books By auditor
8 Closure of Books Year end process
Evaluation Techniques used by investor/ Creditors
1 Credit Rating
2 Fund in reserves
3 Key ratio
4 Corporate Governance
5 Disputes
6 Legal cases
7 Goodwill
8 Market capitalization
9 Product sustainability
10 Key managerial person
How to examine four basic Financial statements
S.No. Financial Statement What it indicate How to evaluate
1 Balance sheet State position on a particular date Share of owner, reserve position, creditors position, assets- current -non current
2 Income statement Give statement of income & expense Share of main business and other income, Share of major expenses, expenses of research and development
3 Statement of Retained Earning State position of reserves & surplus from previous years Position of Free reserves show good financial health of organisation
4 Cash Flow Statement State Cash flow from operating, investing and financing activity Fund generating (inflow) from operating activities and fund outflow in investing activities shows good trend.

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