
In: Nursing

The RN in charge accepts a client to the unit with an exacerbation of Crohn’s disease....

The RN in charge accepts a client to the unit with an exacerbation of Crohn’s disease. The 20-year-old female client is alert and oriented and has been taking azathioprine. Which room assignment will the RN make for this client?
Semi-private room, with another client with Crohn’s.
Private room, with private bathroom.
Private room, across from the nurse’s station.
Semi-private room, with older adult female who is alert and oriented. unanswered

12.0 M3Q_N213
5.0 points possible (graded, results hidden)
What is the appropriate RN response when the client asks, “why should I take an antacid for the pain associated with my peptic ulcer”?
Antacids decrease gastric acid secretion.
Antacids strengthen lower esophageal sphincter action.
Antacids neutralize hydrochloric acid and reduce pepsin activity.
Antacids decrease gastrointestinal motility. unanswered

13.0 M3Q_N213
5.0 points possible (graded, results hidden)
The RN is caring for a pediatric client who has suffered a scalding burn. Which nursing intervention is the priority?
Remove all clothing.
Apply cool water to affected area.
Apply an analgesic antibiotic ointment to the affected area.
Cover the affected area with a gauze bandage.

5.0 points possible (graded, results hidden)
The RN is providing education to the client who has a new ileostomy. Which statement made by the client indicates to the RN that additional education is needed?
“I should empty the appliance the same time I empty my bladder.”
“I can eat still enjoy popcorn when I go to the movies.”
“I need to change my appliance if it begins to leak.”
“My stoma should be pink and moist.” unanswered

5.0 points possible (graded, results hidden)
Which intervention should the RN implement for the client complaining of a dull, gnawing pain in the mid -epigastric area and a burning sensation in the mid-back area?
Deliver tray including decaffeinated coffee. Administer Ibuprofen PRN for pain relief.
Ask the UAP to get the client some orange juice.
Administer Cimetidine PRN to decrease gastric acid. unanswered

5.0 points possible (graded, results hidden)
Which intervention helps prevent skin breakdown in an elderly client?
Position client in a semi-reclining position Vigorously massage bony prominences Apply body powder after bathing.
Re-position client using a lift device.

5.0 points possible (graded, results hidden)
What finding in the paraplegic client would result in an RN consulting physical therapy?
Client able to transfer by self from bed to wheelchair
The client has no cushion in the wheelchair
Client performing pushups daily in the wheelchair
Client uses mirrors to inspect bony prominences unanswered

5.0 points possible (graded, results hidden)
The mother of a child who swallows a button battery calls the poison control center and speaks to the RN. Wah tis the appropriate RN response to the mother?
“Administer ipecac to induce vomiting”
“Bring the child to your Primary Care Provider”
“Monitor the child’s stools for battery expulsion”
“Bring the child to the Emergency Department”


Expert Solution

1. Azathrioprine is an immunosuppressant. This will suppress our immune system. It means the patient becomes weaker. The blood count starts to develop due to new cells. Hence RN should provide private room with private bathroom for the patient.

Also the main symptom of Chron’s disease is Diarrhea. Hence staying in a private bathroom will be more comfortable for the patient to prevent from infection. When the patient stays with older patient, frequent diarrhea may cause disturbance for the old people to rest. Whent hey stay with another Chron’s patient, usage of bathroom will become difficult.

2. Antacid neutralizes the Hydrochloric acid and reduces the pepsin activity in patients with peptic ulcer. This is administered because high hydrochloric acid secretion leads to further corrosion of mucosal layer and can complicate the condition.

3. When a RN receives the paediatric with a Scald burn, the initial intervention is to cool the area with cold running water for around 20 minutes. Clothing should not be removed because the child may undergo Hypothermia.

4. When the patient says “I can eat still enjoy popcorn when I go to the movies”, the RN should provide additional education to the patient. This is because patients with ileostomy are advised to avoid few foods in order to prevent blockage. These include popcorn, nuts, etc., The other point supports that the patient gained knowledge in ileostomy care.

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