In: Nursing
3. Are these significant difference between your roles as a clinician and as A CBR practitioner? CITE example and explain.
The role as a clinician and as a community based rehabilitation practitioner have some different domains.Both are concerned withcare of individuals ,but the goal of treatment and extent of expected outcomes will bee different.
The clinicians are mainly focused on the management of acute or chronic health problems to alleviate the suffering and promote health where as the CBR practitioners Focuses on helping the individuals to attain maximum level of independent functioning in the community.They consider physical,social and occupational domains of health.
Clinicians focuses on medical care which includes identification, assessment and treatment of health conditions and or resulting impairements.
Therole of community based rehabilitation practitioner focuses on a wide area ,it includes support people with disabilities to maximize physical,mental and social abilities and to access regular services and opportunities there by serving as active contributors to society.They also strive to protect human rights of patients with disability by removing barriers of participation in various social activities.
For example for a child with autism the clinicians role will to provide maximum support to maintain good health where as the CBR practitioner has to identify the strength and weakness of the child and plan recreational activities and development programmes,also they have to support the family members and provide guidance for accessing various opportunities available to help their family and the society to empower such children.
Similarly in case of patients with mental abnomalities the clinicians have to suppress or control the signs and symptoms and maintain optimum health status.The CBR practitioner has to guide them to achieve optimum level of independent functioning through various occupational therapist.They have to ensure availability of social support system to strengthen them.
The overall aim of CBR Practitioners includes capasity building ,empowerment and community mobilization of people with disabilities and their families.Thus the clinicians role extends till the cure of physical signs and symptoms where as the CBR practitioner has to be with the individuals till they become completely independent and self sufficient.So there are a lot differences in both approaches and practice