In: Nursing
Case Study: Alan T. is a public health nurse and a member of a committee assigned to assess the health care needs of aging baby boomers in Duxbury County. Previously, he worked primarily in diabetes management for adults. From his encounters with the patients, Nurse Alan became concerned about how newly-diagnosed diabetic patients coped with making the lifestyle changes recommended.
Nurse Alan began to survey newly-diagnosed patients and their families regarding what helped or hindered their success with the lifestyle changes recommended after they had been diagnosed with diabetes. Having someone to talk to and to advise them on a regular basis was the most common factor in a successful transition. Many diabetic patients felt overwhelmed with their new diagnosis and had trouble remembering what they had been taught in the doctor’s office. Family members voiced that they felt confused about what it meant to be diabetic and did not understand what they could do to offer support to the patient.
Additionally, Alan and his committee are aware that as the “baby-boomer population” ages, health care professionals must prepare for a rapid increase in the number of people older than 65 years of age. The committee’s purpose is to make suggestions to the health department and county officials about how to prepare for the influx in health services that will be needed for these older adults.
Currently, 25% of the population in Duxbury County is older than age 65. However, in 25 years, this percentage is expected to increase to more than 50%. Currently, five primary care providers are practicing in the county, and service waiting lists range from 1 to 3 weeks; only one of these providers specializes in geriatric care. A single 54-bed long-term nursing care facility is located in the northern region of the spacious county. Because of the rural roads, no public transit system is in place. However, residents can call a hospital shuttle if they need to arrange transportation to a doctor’s appointment.
Create a presentation for the class that addresses the following concepts:
the strategy for addressing the the problem by MAP IT
mobilization of the individuals and organization and joined together, are willing to participate in community programs.
assessing the need of community and therefore the resources are tapped in order to meet the needs of the society.
plan the approach: initially the vision is created. after that methods and action are planned to meet the vision
implement the plans that by using correct steps which should be monitored and if necessary the, the plan is reviewed and make a change in plan
track the process of implementation.
MOBILIZATION OF ORGANIZATION AND INDIVIDUAL alan and its communities approaches the all health profession in the community in order to collect man resources who are willing to participate in the community. mainly, then, they approach the panchyat in order to particpate and give a hand in community programs like diabetic educations for arranging transport facilities and constructing new hospitals to meet the needs in geriatric care. local communities like social service worker, religious instiutions, clinics, and local health staff. coalitions individuals are welcomed to particpate in the program. coalition individual have stronger commitment , energy, and willingness in community programs.
ASSESS THE NEED OF COMMUNITY: the community has 5 primary health provider in the community.and service waiting lists rage from the 3-4weeks. one of the five primary health provider are specialized in geriatric care. it has single 4 bed long-term nursing care facility. community has lack of transport facility for travelling.the older people in the community have lack of knowledge regaring new onset of diabetes and they are confused about the disease and lifestyle modification. therefore , school, anganwadi, hospial, clinic are site the for giving and education regarding disease and their prevention
plan the action: plan the action will be take after setting objectives. the roles and responsibilities to each person in order to carry the action. each particpants should know their own role. even coalition individuals actively participate in the program. because they are most important person in the community.locall panchayat are involved to transport, communication, new hospital. schools teacher are involves to teach them nutritional changes to all people in the community
implement the plan:the coalition individuals are stronger people, implement the education programs by creating awareness among older people and early adults and getting feed back from them. daily visiting the older who are diagnosed as diabetes mellitus in the particular area. they complete the programs within a setting time in their assigned role.anganwadi workers and local health dais monitor and collect the data reagrding dietary changes by adults and older adults. soical worker esatblish a setting in a particular area for older people to increase awareness and arrange a transport facilities for older people by getting from local panchayat. local panchyat, president and counselor are involved in a setting of new hospital, communication facilities, transport facilities and road services
track the implementation process: after implementation, track the process inorder to review and make changes in process. this is done by survey, meeting