In: Computer Science
You will find the minimum element from the lists of integers.
Input: [[5,2,31,9],[2,1,6,7,11],[55,0,7,8,9]]
Output: 0. [The minimum among the lists of integers]
1. Implement a program of O(N^k) runtime complexity of the problem. marks 50
2. Implement a program of ~ O(N*logN) runtime complexity of the above same problem and explain how you have achieved. [Hint : Apply the log rule -> sort the list of integers, then compare the first element of each] marks 50
Total 100
You can choose either C#, Python, Java to implement 1 & 2.
// python
// first will take n^k where n is the number of elements in the list and k is total list since we are accessing the all elements
// for second question we are sorting each list and one list will take to sort nlogn time so to sort all list it will take knlogn as there are k list to sort. and now to compare all elements with zeroth element of every ;list will take k time so knlogn+k so overall time complexity =knlogn.
# minimum from list of list
def findMinimum(numbers):
for i in range(len(numbers)):
for j in range(len(numbers[i])):
if minimum>numbers[i][j]:
return minimum
def findMinimumUsingSorting(numbers):
for i in range(len(numbers)):
if minimum>numbers[i][0]:
return minimum
print('Minimum using linear search: ',findMinimum(numbers))
print('Minimum using sorting: ',findMinimumUsingSorting(numbers))
// Sample output:-