In: Statistics and Probability
An experiment was conducted in laying hens to examine the
uence of several hormones on biliary secretionsin laying hens.
White leghorn hens were surgically
tted with cannulas for collecting secretions and a jugular cannula
for continuous
infusion of the hormones under investigation. One trial per day was
conducted on
each hen, as long as her implanted cannulas remained functional.
Each trial began
with an infusion of saline for 20mins, after which biliary
secretions were collected
and new vials attached to the cannulas. Infusion of a hormone was
then begun and
continued for 40mins. Measurement of secretion levels was then
repeated. The le
\A2Q3.txt" contains data for two di erent hormones. The variables
\Bilsecpr" and
\Bilsecpt" contain the pre- and post- hormone treatment
measurements. Are there
significant changes in secretion rates with any of the hormones?
Compare also the
changes in secretion rate between the two hormones and comment on
your findings.
What type of test to use, assumptions and hypothesis with the selected test?
Type of test to use:
Dependent Sample t test (Paired Sample t test)
(i) The dependent variable (here secretion rates) are continuous
(ii) The observations are independent of one another.
(iii) The dependent variable (here secretion rates) are normally distributed.
(iv) The dependent variable (here secretion rates) contain any outliers.
H0: Null Hypothesis:
(There are no significant changes in secretion rates with the
HA: Alternative Hypothesis:
(There are significant changes in secretion rates with the