In: Nursing
Mr. Jackson is 86 years old. He is admitted to HUMC for congested heart failure. He also has a history of renal failure and goes for dialysis on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday. He has an AV fistula in his right hand. He also has a history of diabetes, hypertension and depression.
He is allergic to shrimp. He is a nonsmoker. He lives with his wife and two sons.
He is on a renal, low sodium, low cholesterol diet.
He is positive for clostridium difficile.
He suffered a stroke while he was in the hospital and now has left sided weakness.
6. Based on Mr. Jackson diagnoses and medical history, what type of medications do you think might be included in his medication record ( MAR)? List names if you can and give reason for the medication?
The medication record that should be included in Mr Jackson's includes: 1 ) Beta blockers for heart failure: metroprolol ( lopressor) , dosage: 50mg two to three times daily. Route: infusion into a vein is given by injection.metroprolol injection is for a while before switching to oral form of this medication. Reason : These medicine reduces the risk of some abnormal heart rhythm and it's reduces symptoms of an overactive thyroid glands. 2) Av fistula: route: Native arteriovenous fistula is one of it's route. Dosage: 300iv of heparin which will be injected. Reason; Av fistula is a good standard for dialysis in the elderly. 3) Diabetes and hypertension: ACE inhibitors and ARB's are used in the management of patients. : ACE inhibitors should not be combine with ARB's it increases the risk when combine. Dosage: The recommended dose is 5mg once daily. Reason: ACE helps to relax veins and arteries to lower blood pressure. It's also prevent and enzyme in the body from producing angiotensin ll, a substance that narrow blood vessels. Deppression: when the nerve is relax , depression is reduced automatically to some degree. 4 ) Closteridium deficile: Closteridium deficile is spread by fecal -oral route. Dosage Vacomycin 500mg orally four times daily. antibiotics is used to treat it. Reason: Vacomycin treat infections ,bone and joint infection etc. 5) stroke: blood thinner can be used to cure it., Route: heparin injection is an anti-coagulant. Dosage: Eliquis 2.5 mg - 5 mg oral tablets daily. Reason: it's reduces blood clothing and prevention of harmful clot.