In: Nursing
Karen is a 20 years old Caucasian female with Cystic Fibrosis. Her weight is 100Lb and her height is 5'6". Labs:Alb 6, Prealbumin 12, BUN 30. She has 5 watery stools per day.
A. What is her BMI?
B. What is her estimated Kcal needs per day?
C. What is her estimated fluid needs per day?
A) Ms. Karen weight 100 lb =45.359 kg
height is 5.6" = 1.42 meters
BMI ( body mass index) is a simple calculation by using persons height and weight
BMI = kg/m2.
kg is weight measurement
m is height measurement
BMI= 45.359/1.422
BMI = 45.359 /2.0164
BMI = 22. 49
BMI less than 18.5 consider as under weight , BMI 18.5 - 24.9 consider as normal weight, 25- 29.9 consider as over weight and 30 and above is obesity.
Ms Karen BMI is 22.49 so she belongs to normal weight.
B) Ms Karen, a 20 year women required approximately 2000 kcal per day . The diet should contains carbs, protein ,fat, minerals and other vitamins
C) Normal fluid intake per day for women is 2.7 liters.
here Ms Karen have variation in albumin and BUN , the normal albumin is 3.4 to 5.4 g/dl here it is 6 it may be due to dehydration and she has 5 watery stool per day so she can increase her water intake
BUN normal value is 7-20 mg/dl here it is 30 , if your kidney is not able to remove urea from blood BUN level rises, heart failure, dehydration or diet high in protein can also increase the BUN level