list five arguments often given to support trade restrictions.
How do economists respond to these arguments?...
list five arguments often given to support trade restrictions.
How do economists respond to these arguments? What is your personal
perspective on the trade?
3. What are three problems with trade restrictions? What
are three reasons often given in support of trade
4. Tariffs reduce the volume of imports. Do tariffs also
reduce the volume of exports? Explain your answer.
5. Suppose that the comparative-cost ratios of two
products-mangoes and sardines-are as follows in the hypothetical
nations of Mangolia and
Mangolia: 1mango = 2 cans of sardines
Sardinia: 1 mango = 4 cans of sardines
In what product should each nation...
International Trade (10)
Economists are nearly unanimous in
their support of free trade yet governments often use tariffs and
quotas to interfere with free trade. According to the textbook,
what explains the difference? Who is correct, the economists or the
government, and why?
Explain the infant industry argument for the trade
restrictions. (TYPE IT!!)
Why do the economists doubt that the infant industry argument
is a good argument for the trade restrictions? Explain in your own
words. (TYPE IT!!)
Under what conditions the infant industry argument for the
trade restrictions may be a good argument? Explain. (TYPE IT!)
Q9 -
(Arguments for Trade Restrictions)
the national defense, declining industries, and infant industry
arguments for protecting a domestic industry from international
Q10 -
(Arguments for Trade Restrictions)
Firms hurt by lower priced imports typically argue that restricting
trade will save U.S. jobs. What’s wrong with this argument? Are
there ever any reasons to support such trade
Arguments in Favor of Trade Restrictions (Barriers)
Read the news article packet about different arguments in favor
of trade restrictions (barriers) and pp. 139-145 in the Carbaugh
16th ed. textbook.
1. What is meant by the term, "infant industry"?
2. Based on the news articles/political cartoons and the
textbook, list examples of specific countries and industries
considered to be an "infant industry" in a particular country.
3. Based on the news articles/political cartoons and the
textbook, list examples of situations...
Outline five (5) arguments in support of free trade.
Describe three (3) main functions of the
following international organizations:
World Trade Organization
World Bank
Discuss types of trade restrictions and the arguments for and
against imposing them.
In today’s globalized world, few topics draw more media
attention than the use of trade restrictions. Import restrictions,
tariffs, and currency manipulation are just some of the complex and
difficult issues involved in this topic. Explain the various types
of trade restrictions used historically and in modern times and
discuss the arguments for and against their use in the
international commercial markets of today.