Middlemen are the ones which helps to deliver goods from the
manufacturer to tha ultimate buyers. The main fuction of middlemen
is to supply goods to consumers when and where they want. To
achieve this objective they buy the products from
manufacturer,store them and then transfer them to ultimate buyers.
In this process they assume risk such as perishability,theft,etc.
Middlemen promote goods on behalf of manufacuturer to consumer.
Middlemen include wholesellers,retailers,agents and brokers.
- Middlemen act as link between the product's manufacturer and
the ultimate buyer.
- They make sure that consumers get the product when and where
they require.
- They assure that consumers get the product according to their
taste and preferences.
- They as marketing agent of the manufacturer. They market the
product on behalf of manufacturer to the consumer
- They also provide fianacial help to the manufacturer.
- In this process,middlemen charges some cost such as
- Reduced cost : It becomes difficult as well as costly and time
consuming for a manufacturer to produce a product as well as do
marketing of the same , identify potential buyer and sell the
product. Also stocking of the product increases cost and risk
- Focus on core competency: It would be difficult for a
manufacturer to market the product and identify potential buyers.
this task is taken care by the middlemen,they market the
product,identify the needs of the customers,sell the product to the
one who needs. this helps the manufacturer focus on their core
- More efficient marketing : As the retailers are more aware
about the market and know the needs of the customers of the area
,it is possible to market the product of the manufacturer easily
and efficiently
- Wider customer reach : As the middlemen are the one who are in
direct contact with the customer ,it is possible to make our
prodcut reach more and more customers
- Easy feedback : As the middlemen such as retailers are in
direct contact with the customers ,it is possible to get feedback
on the product of customers easily and speedily
- Less profit margin : Each member in the distribution channel
add their profit in the price of the product,manfacturer has to
keep low profit margin so as the customer gets the product at
reasonable price
- High product prices : As each member adds their profit in the
price of the product,consumers get the product at high prices
compared to the one they get directly from the manufacturer.
- Less passionate in selling the product : retailers has many
products to sell hence he is less passionate to sell the product of
the manufacturer as compared to manufacturer himself
- Retailer pay less attention to the message convyed by the
manufacturer to the consumer.
- Retailer has multiple products to sell which also includes
competitor's product.